Bettina Network’s Policies
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011
Having been in business over 20 years in bed & breakfast, we have learned much about this industry.
Our policies are in place because of the experiences we have had over the years and they have served us well.
We are not the fastest on the block, but we are concerned, considerate, safe and constantly changing to help create a better world – to be super concerned about preserving what we have as a world community and making sure our homes are all working towards being more efficient, more considerate of others, more considerate of the environment and knowledgeable about the health and happiness of our guests.
Every home in the Bettina Network is one we know well and whose family/owners we know well because someone from the Bettina Network spends the night in each home before we accept that home into the Bettina Network and before we take reservations for guests to stay in that home. From the office, we are in constant communication with our host families, making sure we get even better acquainted with them to know their strong and weak points and to be able to help them move to ever higher levels in this corporation.
We also are concerned about who the guests are who stay in a Bettina home. We want to make sure both the guest and the Bettina Host Families are well cared for and cared about. We are a community of people with a common interest in bed & breakfast as a way to travel – we all work together to make this a great experience for everyone. We have huge historic mansions, regular suburban houses, apartments, etc. to give you as large a choice as possible, but all thoroughly checked out.
We do everything we can do to minimize any possible problems. We are not an unknown and unknowing entity, in place to make reservations for whoever comes or to take into the Bettina Network whichever property presents itself for inclusion in the Bettina Network. Yes, we are a business and yes, we are in business to make a profit, but yes also we are concerned about how we make that profit. We do not want it to be at the expense of others or to anyone’s detriment. Our community grows larger each day and grows in depth, wisdom and knowledge – but especially in inclusiveness, caring, eco-consciousness and more.
That may be a slower, more expensive way to work, but it has been our choice and it has served us and our guests very well over the years.
You can arrive at a Bettina Home and know the guests who will be sharing that home with you are wonderful, interesting and concerned/considerate people. If there is no host family present, you can be assured the Bettina Home is still well looked after and in great shape when you arrive.
You can arrive at a Bettina Home and know it has been checked and constantly re-checked so that you arrive to no surprises and it is the place described to you over the telephone or through the mail or through email. We are very accurate in our descriptions and quality control is at the top of our agenda as we think through who would be great to stay in our homes and – unfortunately, we do have to make the call that some would not be great guests. And yes, we also have to make the call that not everyone who calls us would make a great Bettina Host family and so we sometimes have to decline a family that wants to join the Bettina Network.
Bettina guests help us keep Bettina Homes at the top of the industry because they also are asked to keep us apprised of what their stay was like and we share with Bettina Host Families both the positive and negative feed back we get. If, and that is very seldom, we get negative feed back it is responded to immediately and changes are made promptly. Guests have sent us letters telling us how fantastic are the homes in which they stayed. That is the result of our constant vigilence over the Bettina Network.
That is what we work for – that is what keeps us going – and that will continue to be our method of operating. We hope you approve and support us as we move forward in this business.
We must apologize for the problems we have had with our technology – our Bettina’s Blog was lost for some reason – floating around in the ether until we could figure out how to bring it back. Our listing on Google has been lost for reasons we don’t understand. And we have experienced other upheavals which are totally unnecessary in this business world. It is about competition and being raised up or lowered down because of your business policies and practices and how they affect this world. It is not about one business trying to move out another because they don’t want competition and want the industry to themselves. We are tenacious, persistent and very fair and good at what we do and we will continue to hold that space and that place at the top of this industry.