Are you a member of — Bettina’s Lifestyle Community? _ _ _

Bettina Lifestyle Community is many things. One is a private selection of wonderful homes where members can choose to stay when they are traveling.

The homes in this collection vary dramatically from one another. Some are exquisitely beautiful, some are works of art, historical, interesting, primitive, farms, businesses where you can learn and participate in what they do and they are located in the best places. The owners or those living in the homes, as hosts to those visiting, are interesting, learned in many areas, artists, musicians, intellectual leaders and more. We do not have homes that are unoccupied or unhosted where you find the key under the mat. Bettina Homes in this collection are only open to members of the Bettina Lifestyle Community.

We invite you to join Bettina Lifestyle Community so you are able to travel with us. If you made reservations and stayed in one of our homes previously, you are already a member. Otherwise the cost to join is $25.00 and an application for membership follows:

______________________ _______________________________

Name (first) Name (last)


Address – (City, State, Country, Zip Code)

________________________ ______________________________

Telephone emai


Method of payment – credit card/ check/bank transfer

Bettina Network, inc.

P. O. Box 380585

Cambridge, MA. 02238

617 497 9166 or 800-347-9166


Someone will respond to you if your membership is accepted.

Your card will not be charged unless your membership application is accepted.

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A Reader’s Ginger Tea

March 12, 2009

SNERT or "Erwtensoep" – A Breakfast Soupp*

February 27, 2009

A New Orleans Review Post Katrina

February 22, 2009

Coconut Marshmaples

February 21, 2009

Heavenly Marshmaples

February 2, 2009

The Tea Leaf

January 25, 2009

Reader Feedback

January 16, 2009

Kitchen Aid vs Cuisinart

January 15, 2009

Bettina’s Macaroon Cookies

January 11, 2009

A New Bettina House in Washington D. C.

January 11, 2009
Posted in