Benghazi Tells the Future?
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
Ed Note: Yes, we had a breakfast conversation – several, in fact, – about the Sandy Hook massacre. It is too early and people are too tender to join the media massacre of our collective psyche as they posture and jump on this with both feet for days and days and days. So we will keep the notes we were sent and write about Sandy Hook after a few weeks.
Benghazi, however, is a different story. There was conversation about John Kerry and Hillary Clinton and none positive nor complimentary.
I am still smarting at the way Susan Rice was treated so to hear others talk about John Kerry’s lack of ethics in chairing this committee hearing on Benghazi while he is looking to be the next Secretary of State warmed my heart. I had always liked and respected John Kerry – always voted and campaigned for him, in fact. I don’t think I would again.
After watching and listening to his Republican friends diss Susan Rice so the path would be clearer for their long-time friend and colleague John Kerry made me more than a little sick to my stomach.
Given my horror at what happened with Kerry/Rice I thought my horror at John Kerry chairing the committee on Benghazi may have reflected my left over feelings about that conflict, however, the breakfast conversations about Benghzi and Kerry backed up my feelings. How can the truth come out when the chair of the hearing is trying to be nice to the State Department employees and others on that side of the fence because he doesn’t want to go into the State Department as Secretary of State with anyone miffed at him about how they were treated, questioned, etc. at the hearing.
Whether those were his feelings or not, the ethics are clear and are like the elephant in the room. I was amazed at the intensity of the feelings around this. Americans are really angry about the quality and lack of ethics among its politicians. One hears such comments in passing, but to see and hear the feelings that this Benghazi hearing can engender confirms that we want something different from what has happened in the past. At one time, such a breach of ethics would go unnoticed. Today, the media will probably ignore the ethical implications and push John Kerry for Secretary of State, but the rumblings in the general public will not. They will go along with the program, but its going to cost and surprise someone down the road when those resentments pop out.
The funniest comment was the one about Hillary’s ‘Benghazi flu and subsequent concussion’, which no doctor can cure. These were not Republicans these were Democrats who were looking at Hillary as a possible candidate for President in 2016. This, however, had them angry moving away from Hillary. If this keeps up and spreads, her top numbers today are going to slowly slide as more surfaces about Benghazi and people start to wonder out loud what is she afraid of or hiding. If these breakfast were any indication, it looks as though she may be headed into a small storm of having her management abilities questioned – at the very least.
John Kerry should have either renounced any interest in being Secretary of State if he was going to chair this hearing or declined to chair the hearing in favor of someone who could be impartial in trying to get out what actually happened and if there was blame where did it lie. None of that will surface during this hearing with its obvious political interferences which question the objectivity and impartiality of the chair and/or the committee’s ablility to do its job because of its chair waiting to be nominated Secretary of State. John Kerry should be sitting where? – with the questioners or with those being questioned?
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