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We’ve been very serious about all kind of civil rights. Along comes a breakfast which brings us back to making money – we hope!
It was a very exciting morning – so much so that I decided to splurge and bought National Bank of Greece stock. Paid $.79/share for it and all because of a breakfast conversation.
We had a wonderful guest from Greece who talked about the situation with the credit and whatever else was happening in Greece. His concern was that the banks had closed and he wasn’t sure for how long or what to do about his travels – cut them short and go home or hold out and hope everything worked itself out so he could continue his quest for knowledge.
A few days later the banks opened – about August 3rd and we were very excited to follow what was happening.
One guest was buying National Bank of Greece stock (NBG) so we followed suit. I remember my lessons on stock buying – buy when things look hopeless, sell when they look as though the stock is going through the roof. This looked sort of hopeless, but not quite, so we bought and so did everyone around the table. What incredible fun and what trouble we could get into if this Bank closes.
Today, the stock is selling at about $ .86/share so we are ahead of the game.
Greece has always had a secret place in my heart so it was great to be able to participate in this. Hopefully, I will become an almost instant millionaire. But since I only bought 2,000 shares, the stock would have to move dramatically for that to happen. As it is, I have a nice little profit and so do my breakfast mates.
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We are a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools and buying and selling stock is our specialty. We love it, talk about it all the time, buy and sell -sometimes responsibly, but sometimes just for fun. When you visit with us the conversations are always about the stock market and most people come to learn more, to do a bit of trading on their own and to spend a few days with like minded people from all over the world.
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