Great Dessert – Quick, Easy, Elegant!

taken from a dessert served by Wendell Wallace *When we get a wonderful photographer, these types of articles will be shown with pictures. Until then, your imagination or your actual trying of the recipe will have to suffice. Bake or buy large cookies Heat them in the oven until just warmed Top with ice cream…

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Marceline’s Beauty/anti-aging Secrets

We have published this somewhere in this blog on a previous date. Recently, however, we have been besieged with requests on what is it she does to look the way she does at 84 years old. We decided to republish -and it took quite a bit to get her acquiescence because she does not like…

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Nazi-Its 1930’s Definition! Nazi-Its Russian/Putin definition in 2022

It is truly amazing how loose this world has become with the truth. It is particularly notable since the appearance on the political scene of Donald Trump. Truth to him and his followers has no meaning and whatever is said, defined, discussed is whatever and however they can twist truth to their advantage. Vladimir Putin…

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An Exceptional Shrimp Salad Recipe

by: Marceline Donaldson First I have to give credit where it is due. I discovered a shrimp salad that I loved at Whole Foods in Fresh Pond in Massachusetts. I went to the store several times to buy “my salad”, but sometimes the buffet area where it was sold for $9.99/pound would be empty. The…

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Will Smith and Chris Rock – Ethics

by: Marceline Donaldson There is and has been a great upheaval about the punch to the face Will Smith delivered to Chris Rock. Most of the opinions, expressed very publicly, show how deeply entrenched sexism is in this society. The wrong starts with Will Smith with calls tp “lock him up” from the police; take…

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………An Elegant Historical House for Sale!

49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge, MA. 02138 – $5,800,000. What follows, under “House for Sale” describes a house which we would like to bring to your attention.  We hope you will consider buying the house – either for yourself, your family or for one of your favorite institutions and/or charities.      The house we…

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A Statement by Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett

I am reiterating what happened to my family over the past several years because it has done great damage to us and because we are being contacted by several people going through the same thing. The major actors aligned against us were the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many attorneys; the Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective…

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Disinformation – What is it? What role does it play? Why use it?

Disinformation is the creator of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutionalized bigotry of all kinds. It is the main tool humans use to create their societies, their governments, their families, their lives. Shakespeare used disinformation to promote anti-semitism and it was such a powerful use of disinformation we accept it as normal, right, gospel even unto…

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