Posts by anitteb
J. P. Morgan Chase Bank – institutional Racism?
Chase Bank recently came to Boston and set up offices around the area. They organized and internalized what they needed to succeed in this New England area. That includes internalizing the extreme racism of the area. What is it like to be African American in these United States? We talk about addressing racism and wanting…
Read MoreWhat a Trial the Donaldson/Bennett’s have endured. Did we tell you about the attack on them by Massachusetts Dept. of Revenue? Which is still going on?
All timed to make sure huge dumps on them happened at the same time. It is the same kind of “dump” which happens to many of the elderly when their assets are being targeted by those who want to lock them up and have access to those assets before the next generation is helped by…
Read MoreAkron, Ohio – Highland Park, Illinois – Ukraine
The above refers to three related happenings, which we do not connect. There is much talk today, on the major media sites, about the horrible shooting in Akron, Ohio. It was a horrible shooting, but we talk about it as though it stands apart from Ukraine and Highland Park, Illinois. It is not separate from,…
Read MoreHow to Mitigate your Trash!
What a topic! We are now a society which has to manage its trash. We should be ashamed that we have put together and are living a lifestyle where our trash can hurt us and others; takes up much of the world as we export it to other countries to let them handle what we…
Read MoreReal Estate – Is this the cause of the extreme racism which refuses to break and go away?
Because of the business we were in, we spent many years closely aligned with the real estate community. During that time our discoveries were shocking and as we try to sell our house all the lessons we learned and tried to address are incorporated in that attempt. The racism in the real estate industry is…
Read MoreRoe V Wade – Another step closer to Adolf and his ilk!
Two decisions came down from the Supreme Court – one day apart. Looking at those decisions what strikes us is the fact that they show the Supreme Court of the United States is showing it is deep into “Situational Ethics.” Given that, they can overturn anything, make any ruling and they don’t have to hold…
Read MoreA Series – Part ONE: Racism, Sexism and more…. – the structurally divided system we call the United States of America! But, it could also be called the World in Which We Live! This series will cover what maintains it in such an evil way with individual examples!
We write and talk a lot about the bigotry of racism, sexism and so much more. We keep that talk on an institutional level. Very seldom do we write and talk with individual, real -true-to-life examples. That would interfere with our ability to deny – which is the foundation of what allows those structures to…
Read MoreWhat does Emmett Till, Uvalde, Buffalo all the way to the beginning of the massacres of children have in common?
by: Marceline Donaldson I remember when Emmett Till was murdered. The horror of what happened to him didn’t strike me until I saw him in his open casket. Once you saw the reality of the brutal way he was murdered; once you saw his face which was unrecognizable; once you came close to the reality…
Read MoreAre you a member of — Bettina’s Lifestyle Community? _ _ _
Bettina Lifestyle Community is many things. One is a private selection of wonderful homes where members can choose to stay when they are traveling. The homes in this collection vary dramatically from one another. Some are exquisitely beautiful, some are works of art, historical, interesting, primitive, farms, businesses where you can learn and participate in…
Read MoreUvalde Texas Massacre
Just like you we are trying to wrap our heads, hearts and understanding around what happened. How could anyone slaughter young children in such a cold blooded way. How could anyone slaughter…… Interesting is the fact that the massacre at the TOPS Market in Buffalo had headlines screaming about African Americans shot…… In UVALDE, where…
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