Attacks on Trump – Really?

Another claimed assassination attempt on Donald Trump just happened while he was playing golf at his golf course. The calls have started for more security. We expect much more will surface as we suffer through yet another preventable horribleness.

We hope you realize if you join in the conversation with demands for more security to prevent another such happening, the funds for that will come out of your pocketbook.

No, we don’t want to see Trump assassinated. We do want to see him acting more responsibly so the rest of us don’t have to lose information from the media on whats going on in the world because his news has taken over everything.

It is time for us to make demands of Donald Trump.

We happen to be one of the groups his people are targeting and our lives are disrupted because of the attacks we have had to fend off for years and endure and still, we have more fighting to do to keep his people from totally destroying our life, health, finances.

No, we do not need to increase the funding or secret service people “protecting” him.

The first assassination attempt should have made Trump and his people much more cautious than they are today. If he wants to play golf – we all know golf courses are impossible to protect and an ex-president like Trump needs to take that into consideration and act responsibly.

As an ex-president he could golf at federal golf courses which are almost 100% safe. If he wants to continue golfing at Trump owned-golf courses he could close the course to the public during the times he wants to golf making it just about impossible for an assassination attempt to happen. These are only a couple things he could do to avoid such trauma. There are many more.

Will he do that? Probably not. The money he would lose doing that is not something Trump could countenance. He prefers the taxpayers spend their money to increase the security around him. He is not about do do anything to secure his own environment so his life is not threatened.

It is interesting how this attempt on his life attracts 100% of the media’s attention and this attempt could be the means by which he has a badly needed change in the presidential campaign he is trying to run so he can become president – AGAIN! Close out the competition with this assassination attempt and on and on and on.

Really tired of Donald Trump. The only thing he has done for those who follow him is to show clearly why racism has been around so long and is so hard to get rid of. Trump has “outed” many if not most of the racists, sexists, etc. in the society. He has appealed to the worst in human nature and spent a good deal of his adult life reading and learning about the lives of people like Hitler and how they reached their leadership positions. He did not go far enough to see how they ended.

To be a follower of Trump means – by definition – you are racist, sexist, homophobic and more. It also means your ethics are totally questionable and you are the down slide into the muck and mud of being able to destroy your neighbor because you have something to gain.

It is not possible to support someone with Trump’s lack of ethics without being someone with the same unethical and immoral life structure as Donald Trump. To support him for president or anything else when he clearly is immoral; abuses women and assumes that is his right; assumes the mantel of enforcing racism, sexism and all the other ‘isms as well” – this clearly comes under the category of sin.

Dear God – open the eyes of those who claim to be your followers, but who really give lip service to that because they need a cover to not acknowledge nor do the hard work of living a reputable, moral, ethical life which does not demand the right to destroy and threaten others. Open their eyes to see the filth in which they wallow when they follow a person who lies, cheats, destroys others for his own gain. Help them to totally reorganize their lives to the glory of your name. Amen!

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