Antico Forno
copyright 2008 Susan Turtz
In our recent trip to Boston we visited one of our favorite restaurants in the North End. (The traditionally Italian Section of Boston).
Antico Forno
93 Salem St. North End
Boston, MA 617-723-6733
When you walk into Antico Forno, the first thing that will strike you is the noise. Happy diners seem to love to chatter. As soon as your friendly server approaches and gives you bread and a wonderful white bean spread, you’ll be one of the group.
We started with Caprese (with fresh buffalo mozzarella) and a Caesar salad. Two appetizers fed three of us with leftovers.
We then went on to linguine chock full of clams, pizza and pasta with homemade sausage and mozzarella.
Everything was generous and delicioso.
Almost everything is finished in their high-heat brick oven, which gives a lovely crusty topping.
Make a reservation so you won’t be disappointed. And don’t do what we did — leave room for dessert!
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Received via e-mail 6/20/2008