And the Primary Care Physician for Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett?

Dr. Glenn S. Kehlman was Dr. Bennett’s primary care physician. He is no longer because Rev. Dr. Bennett sent a letter dismissing Dr. Kehlmann.

We were asked to look into this area and investigate as much as possible and we did. After what we found I feel as though I need a long, very hot shower to wash away the extreme racism that we found doing this investigation.

There are the basics: Dr. Glenn Kehlmann, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Brookline, MA and has been practicing for 37 years. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine in 1983 and specializes in internal medicine. He is a part of the Beth Israel Deaconness Washington Square Group in Brookline, Massachusetts.

We have copied the letter sent to Dr. Kehlmann by Rev. Dr. Bennett in full because it basically has almost everything that we found. Dr. Kehlmann was Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP because he was recommended by Ms. Donaldson’s daughter – Maliça Aronowitz. Apparently, he is also Ms. Aronowitz’ PCP.

During the time Dr. Kehlmann was Rev. Dr. Bennett’s PCP he was seen by Dr. Kehlmann once. The first and only time Dr. Kehlmann saw Rev. Dr. Bennett was at the end of 2019 and that is described in Rev . Dr. Bennett’s letter. It is also the first and only time Dr. Kehlmann met Rev. Dr. Bennett’s wife – Ms. Marceline Donaldson. I understand from Dr. Bennett that Ms. Donaldson was not happy with Dr. Kehlmann and said so during that trip to his office. She was unhappy about the way Dr. Kehlmann talked around Dr. Bennett as though he could neither speak, nor hear, nor understand. She asked Dr. Kehlmann to please recognize Dr. Bennett as a whole, functioning person and speak to him directly, he was quite able to respond.

According to Dr. Bennett, Ms. Donaldson was also unhappy about what she found in Dr. Kehlmann’s office and expressed those unhappinesses. When they entered the office from outside to the waiting room they directly faced a large windowed wall with many people working within the room behind that windowed wall. They seemed to be the people doing the “grunt” work for the office. They sat in that room for several minutes watching the people work in that large room behind the windowed wall and noted that they were all – without exception – African American men and women.

When Ms. Aronowitz, Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett were called – their turn to see the doctor – they went down the hall a bit, turned left and walked to the back of the building. There were the offices of the doctors, nurse practitioners and others on that professional level. In that area everyone was white with the exception of a few Asians. When the trio left the back office and were leaving the building, Ms. Donaldson stopped at the window and asked the person behind the glass in the room with all African Americans if there were African Americans in other parts of the building – specifically she wanted to know if there were any African American doctors, nurses, etc. in the back part of the building which they had just left. She was told no there were none. Ms. Donaldson told her daughter and Dr. Bennett she thought they should look for another PCP with a broader view of humanity.

While in Dr. Kehlmann’s office, Dr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson gave a copy of the Health Care Proxy, drawn up by probate attorney Donald McInnis and signed by Dr. Bennett on November 18, 2019. to both Dr. Kehlmann and to the young Asian woman who was doing quite a bit of paperwork outside Dr. Kehlmann’s office. She asked if this was the right place to turn in this Health Care Proxy because it was replacing the HCP naming Maliça Aronowitz Health Care Proxy for Dr. Bennett which she and Dr. Bennett found out about at Beth Israel Hospital which Dr. Bennett knew nothing about, had not signed and did not want to keep. She was told yes, this was the place to turn that in and so Ms. Donaldson left a copy with the “nurse” and at the same time gave another copy to Dr. Kehlmann.

When they arrived at Dr. Kehlmann’s office, Ms. Donaldson intended to ask Dr. Kehlmann to take her on as her PCP, but after she saw the room with the window and all of the African Americans behind the window with whites in the room down the hall in another part of the building she decided this was not someone she wanted as her PCP and would keep looking.

What we found interesting and tragic was that Dr. Kehlmann – who knew “Dr. Bennett through a 15 minute conversation in his office with two other people and two plus nurses present all talking while he did a very perfunctory examination of Dr. Bennett and in the process said about a couple sentences to Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Rebecca Warner – the psychologist/psychiatrist who signed the section 12 sending the police to pick up Rev. Dr. Bennett from his home and force him into Mount Auburn Hospital, knew Dr. Bennett not at all – had never met him, never examined him, never been to his home and yet she was confident enough to do something as drastic as signing the section 12. That to us is the height of irresponsibility and the attempted destruction of a human being because apparently Dr. Bennett was not worth the time to do an investigation into whatever they saw as a problem to make sure they were not making a mistake which Dr. Bennett would have to pay for over a very long period of time – as we are now seeing as we see Dr. Bennett’s reputation, his life’s work, his vocation and more evaporate into a smoke filled room of unsubstantiated allegations which Dr. Kehlmann and Dr. Warner made about Dr. Bennett.

When we were called about doing this investigation and writing our findings, we expected to find Rev. Dr. Bennett in some serious mental state not able to comprehend, etc. Instead, we found a man sitting at a desk working with his wife and another young man trying to pick up the pieces from the work they started before all of this “mess” happened.

Dr. Bennett was pulling together and organizing the work of his life. His research, lectures, books and more. The group was in the process of finding themes around which to build videos and/or other kind of technical ways to put Dr. Bennett’s life’s work on the internet for others to be able to search, use and possibly find something they could build upon.

This interruption caused by people like Dr. Kehlmann was, for us, an example of why African Americans have such a difficult time earning money and moving ahead; documenting their life’s work and more. Someone who has never held a conversation with you, knows nothing about you, doesn’t care because they don’t have time to be bothered with taking a serious look at an African American – can then ruin the entire end of a human beings life. The kind of ugliness we have seen through all of this will never leave us.


The letter from Dr. Bennett to Dr. Kehlmann follows: – to date, Dr. Kehlmann has not responded to this letter. We should note here that one thing Dr. Kehlmann said which really almost destroyed us was the comment in the motion to immediately put Dr. Bennett in a nursing home because there was no technological assistance that could help him respond and Dr. Kehlman claimed it was an emergency situation which needed to be responded to immediately.

I’ve cleaned up that comment from Dr. Kehlman – meant to go to the court to back up the claim of Dr. Bennett’s “incapacitated” state. As I cleaned it up I looked across the room at Dr. Bennett working very hard on his papers and talking back and forth with the young man assisting him in that endeavor as they worked on the script for a video which will soon be on “You Tube”. This is the incapacitated man Dr. Kehlmann wanted to send to a nursing home for the rest of his life because Dr. Kehlmann claimed he could do nothing and there was no kind of technology which could help change that and no one to whom Dr. Bennett could turn to be taken care of in this almost vegetative state. Did Dr. Kehlmann’s claim come from the reality of who Dr. Bennett is or did his claim come from his racism which did not allow him to see African Americans in any other light?

Let me not mislead you. Dr. Bennett does have some memory loss, but his ability to think, function, work, walk, run, exercise, take care of himself totally is still very much intact. I wonder how many people’s lives have been ruined by such machinations. We have found one in the course of this investigation. When that investigation is complete we will put out a blog about it so you know what is happening in this world in the health industry.


May 4, 2020

Dr. Glenn S. Kehlmann

637 Washington Street Set 100

Brookline, MA. 02446-4500

Re:  Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett

Dear Dr. Kehlmann:

I would appreciate your removing my name as being among those for whom you are their Primary Care Physician.

It has been a very trying and extremely difficult relationship from which I have suffered and lost much.

My reasons include:

  1. When I fell because of recent eye surgery in 2019 and went to Beth Israel Hospital, I didn’t know until recently that you were to refer me to a neurologist before coming to see you for a check-up after that hospital visit.

2)  That was to happen because although Beth Israel did not find anything seriously wrong during that visit they did find dots on the CT Scan which they did not know if those dots were recent caused by the fall or if they had been there for quite a long time.  Their concern apparently, was to have me seen by a neurologist in about six weeks after that hospital visit to have another CT Scan taken to see if those dots were still the same or if they were bleeding into the space between the brain and the outside skull.

3)  My wife and I came to your office for a check-up about six weeks after that fall, you checked and said everything was fine.  But there was no neurologist referral either before or after that visit.

4)  I fell a second time in late February because our front stairs were being repaired and re-carpeted and I’d had a corneal transplant without realizing my peripheral vision in the eye so operated on was gone.  Not knowing that and not being accustomed to the loss of peripheral vision, going down the stairs, I did not see clearly and fell.

5)  My wife and I called you about that February, 2020 fall to see if we needed an appointment to come to your office, if we should go to the hospital or etc. and about the same time that was when we also discovered the neurologist referral that was supposed to happen after our first visit to your office did not get made.

6)  After being put on hold for an extended period of time the person from your office came back and said you would see me, but you were going on vacation and couldn’t see me until your returned because you were very busy getting ready for that vacation.

7)  My wife asked the person about a neurologist referral so we could see the neurologist and get a CT scan from our past visit to your office and do everything at once.

8)  Your office person put us on hold again for an extended period and came back to say you did not know any neurologists to whom to refer us.

9)  A few days after that telephone call, we had an appointment to see Dr. Green, the podiatrist.  We asked Dr. Green if he could refer us to a neurologist or if he could recommend one.  Dr. Green said that was your job and we should ask you about such a referral.  We told Dr. Green we had already called your office, but you were going on vacation and did not know of any neurologists to recommend.

10)  At the visit to your office, after my first fall, my wife and I gave you a Health Care Proxy naming my wife, Marceline Donaldson, as the health care proxy who I wanted.  We had that proxy drawn up by a probate attorney, Mr. Donald McInnis, and it was dated and signed November 18, 2019.  We had that done because of the problems we had at Beth Israel Hospital when I did not know there was a Health Care Proxy given to the Beth Israel people naming Maliça Aronowitz as the proxy.  Since she is not who I wanted as my health care proxy, we asked Mr. Donald McInnis to draw up such a form for us.

11)  When I went to Massachusetts General Hospital as a result of the second fall, it is my understanding that you faxed the Health Care Proxy which you apparently had, naming Maliça as my health care proxy instead of the one we gave to you into the person who sits outside your office to make sure another incident such as happened at Beth Israel would not happen again.

12)  When I went to MGH, I gave them my current Health Care Proxy and was told that there were two -the one I gave them and the one which had been faxed to them.

13)  Upon investigation of these two Health Care Proxy’s, MGH created a Health Care Proxy for me because there was a one character typo in the Health Care Proxy from Mr. McInnis and they wanted to be sure my wife and I were “safe”.  “Safe” because there were people running around the hospital “investigating” me and my wife for reasons none of us knew nor understood.

14)  Before giving us the MGH created Health Care Proxy, the person at MGH who handles their proxies talked with me in my hospital room in the neurology department for a very long time to make sure I knew what I was signing.

15)  Since I was very concerned about who was my health care proxy, I wanted to make sure there were no issues with my Health Care Proxy and I was very clear that the proxy from MGH was the one I wanted to be valid because my wife knows me better than anyone.

16)  It was horrifying to me to discover the things that Ms. Nora Al Wetaid attributed to you in her affidavit signed under the penalties of perjury.  Your comments and your position as my PCP caused me much trouble, helped keep me incarcerated at MGH against my will and I feel contributed to what we are discovering was a criminal conspiracy against me and my family and which took away five weeks of my life where I was treated as a criminal without cause and was not able to move very far from the seven foot by nine foot space in which I “lived” during those five weeks.

17)  My wife was charged with medical and physical abuse against me – there were claims of this abuse which were definitely not true.  My wife and I have had a very loving relationship for 36 years.  We were both respected members of this community until you and others destroyed our reputation and much more of our lives.  I do and did not have broken ribs, the bones in my legs were not splintered and other such abuses you and others atributed to my wife.

18)  I was also appalled to find people spreading comments all over about my medical history which I did not know and which they claim came from you.  I thought medical records were private, however, Somerville/Cambridge Elder and Protective Services are the people who claimed many things about my health which they spread far and wide.  They did not have my wife’s permission to access my medical records, nor did you have permission from either one of us to share my medical records with that group nor with anyone else and since my wife was my Health Care Proxy over the time this was going on, there should have been no one out there with permission to so distribute such.

Because of the abuse charges and so many other things which happened in which your name constantly surface, my wife was very badly treated by many people in and around MGH and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services – a group that surfaced from nowhere into causing a tornado around us.

According to Ms. Al-Wetaid, you said some horrendous things about my wife – a woman you met for about 15 minutes once in your office when she accompanied me to the only time I was seen by you.

Given the above and more, I do not want you to continue as my primary care physician.


Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.

49 Hawthorn Street

Cambridge, MA. 02138

617 497 9166


Member One responds: I am beginning to get the message of what is happening to Marceline and Robert. I have a grandfather (African American) who did not have much money, or income, but his story is very similar. We need to ask you to help us. The same people were involved – I could give you the names of the attorneys involved as well as the other people and what happened to my grandfather. He was in his eighties when this happened. He is today living outside of Massachusetts because he is scared to death that the Protective Services people will come after him again. They said he was incapable of making decisions on his own, etc. and called him “incapacitated”. We are ashamed to say anything to anyone – however, reading what is happening to you we want our story out in the public. He also has two friends to whom the same thing happened. We don’t know where the protective services people came from, but all of a sudden they were all over us and demanding that we get Mass Health just like what happened to Robert and Marceline. They made constant demands. My grandfather had some assets, but not much and he is now totally broke – everything he had from his life’s work is gone to the people who pushed into our family without cause.

Member Two Responds – Please say more about the “Protective Order” they have over Robert. We went through something like that with our family. The Protective Order they got, happened in a court hearing where we knew nothing about the hearing and only heard about the Protective Order. We never knew what it contained because they “impounded” it. We do know they used that to put my Uncle in a nursing home where he died last week of the Coronavirus. He would still be alive but for those folks pushing into our family. You talk about a “criminal conspiracy”. From what we experienced I think you are right on target. Please continue your work and writing. I hope we can call. We would like you to know who we are and please keep up with us. We are devastated with what happened in our family. We didn’t realize the same thing was happening to others. My Uncle was doing fine until these people just appeared on our door step. It was awful. As we went through this process they lied like dogs. I have never felt so helpless in life as not being able to help my Uncle. He was just taken away from our family – and so were his assets. That seemed to be the point of all this. He was fairly well off, not wealthy but with a nice estate. All of that was gone before he died. It went into the Protective Services people. They were really careless with money and spent my Uncle’s money and other assets like drunk sailors. Our whole family is in shock. We couldn’t get an attorney to represent my Uncle. The Court appointed an attorney in that hearing in which we were not represented and neither was my Uncle. We knew nothing about the hearing. After the hearing we didn’t hear from the attorney and an attorney we tried to hire could do nothing because my Uncle had an attorney – court appointed. When you say the attorney was a “place holder” that is exactly what we experienced. Since we could do nothing in Court we were totally helpless while these people just ripped off my Uncle. Worst was we didn’t see him after they took him away. Something in the Protective Order kept us away although we never knew what that was because we’ve never been able to see the order.

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