An Incredible Snack – Bettina Style

copyright 2013 Bettina Network, inc.

We discovered an unbelievable snack as we roamed the country looking for families/individuals wanting to use their houses for bed & breakfast.

It is basically popcorn, but such popcorn should be the food of the gods.

First – in a saucepan, preferably glass i.e. A Corning pot – put one cup organic turbinado sugar and one cup water with a little piece of organic ginger root.  Bring this to a boil and let it summer until you have reached 240 degrees on a candy thermometer.  Don’t stir this – even when you first put in the water and sugar just let it heat up and bubble, it does not need you to do anything to it, especially stirring.

Second – in a hot air popcorn popper, put the requisite amount of organic unpopped corn and plug it in. Let the popcorn popper work until almost all of the popcorn is popped.  If you don’t have a hot air popcorn popper use a kettle popper or whatever you have.  We use the hot air popcorn popper because it does not take any oil to pop.  Hot air does the trick.

Third – let the syrup cook a bit and then carefully pour the sugar syrup over the popcorn.

Fourth – Let this cool

Fifth – melt organic chocolate and/or cacao either in a double boiler or carefully in a glass pot on top of the stove.  If you use just the pot and not a double boiler, don’t leave the chocolate while it is melting.  Someone else who tried this put equal amounts of chocolate and organic heavy cream letting the chocolate melt and stirring until the two were well mixed.  That might be an option for you, we have not tried this way of melting and adding chocolate to the popcorn.

Sixth – This is best done with semi-sweet chocolate – we used semi-sweet organic chocolate chips and threw in about 1/3 organic peanut butter chips – just because we were getting carried away with ourselves.

Seventh – Once the chocolate is melted – let it cool a bit and very carefully sprinkle this over your popcorn – which is now covered with the sugar syrup and has cooled to become hardened.  The chocolate is the second layer and once it cools and hardens again your popcorn is ready to eat.

It is best eaten lukewarm.  Don’t expect to have any left.  We demolished  a huge amount in minutes and more had to be made.

Eighth – this is good with or without the organic peanut butter chips.  The piece of ginger root which you put into the pot with the sugar and water gives a wonderful under taste, which many people will not be able to identify because we are not accustomed to the taste of real, organic ginger root.  It is a powerfully hot ingredient.  Not temperature hot, but spicy hot.  Using just a small piece will not bring up the spicy heat, but will give a nice taste to the popcorn.

Let us know how you liked this dish.


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