An Estate Sale Buying Tip!
copyright 2012 Bettina Network, inc.
“I wanted to buy a pocket book, which I loved and it looked in very good condition, even on the inside. I was a little troubled, however, because we have been so programmed by those marketing to make us afraid of one another, that I found I had succumbed to that marketing and wondered what kind of unseen germs were on the inside of the pocketbook, which afterall had been used by someone I didn’t know. Do you have any help for me?”
We have been shopping estate sales for decades and have found a wonderful way to handle this! Don’t know if it will work for you because you are facing, basically, a psychological issue – which we believe, as apparently you do too – that this fear of another human being and their ‘things’ has been caused by the marketing people looking for ways to sell their products.
We put crumpled-up newspaper in the pocket book to help it either keep or to restore its shape and then we hang the pocket book wherever we want it to live. We do that even for brand new pocket books, which you also have to worry about because some of the material being used today to make and line pocket books have off gases – think of that getting all over the items you put in the bags. The older bags were lined with real silk or other organic materials, not the mixes and creations of today, which are basically some form of a petroleum derivative.
After we have crumpled the newspaper and before we put it in the pocket book we put a few drops of organic essential oil of lavender on the newspaper and then stuff it into the pocket book, taking care to make sure the shape is what we want the pocket book to take. Essential oil of Lavender is an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and stress reducer oil.
Once you’ve done that – when you use the bag, the smell of the oil of lavender remains, so when you are having a frantic moment just stop, open your pocket book, pretend to look around in it for something and smell the lavender. It works like a charm for us and we become calmer and less stressed in just a few moments. Then, when you can’t find what you were looking for because you really weren’t looking for anything, and you feel a lot calmer, close your bag and continue with whatever you were doing.
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