America, You Are Being Played!

by: Marceline Donaldson

I watched the president present himself in front of our military and other dignitaries last night and it was horrifying.  Having just recovered from the thought of our military being replaced by a for profit civilian army headed by Eric Prince and paid billions of tax payers dollars to eventually move against those same American tax payers was revolting.

Donald Trump is playing this country and we are going along with the act.

Why did this come up so quickly?  Why did Vice President Pence have to interrupt a foreign trip to come back to the U. S. to participate in this hastily put together act?  What was this all about?

Trump scheduled a rally in Arizona for tonight.  The response to that was electric and ugly.  No one wanted him to come.  The Governor of Arizona and other dignitaries asked him to stay home.  The Governor announced he would not be in attendance.  The rally, after all, was called to attempt to clean up the last mess which left Trump’s reputation in the gutter.  Got to Arizona – strut around on stage – insult lots of people – glory in the cheers and support – and come home to create new ugliness.  But one ugly mess  is following too closely on another.  Now Charlottesville has to be cleaned up so Trump can continue to crap on everyone as he attempts to glorify himself.

So what did he do?  Facing another disgrace, he would never cancel the rally.  Instead, he called Pence home from his trip abroad representing the U. S.;  Called together the military brass for a hasty meeting to begin the made for television pseudo reality show; and presented himself in as grand a way as possible all within the space of about three days.  Something to help him recover and gain some semblance of a facade back

So now he goes to Arizona wrapped in the American flag with Charlottesville behind him and with the military in front of and around him and now what does Arizona do.  Trump is now free to pardon Sheriff Arbaio – whatever his name – and do whatever else he wants to do riding temporarily on the cloud of this  military spectacle.

And America – you have been used badly.

Evil wraps itself in evil and then parades out to take credit for having had the last laugh.  But, just a minute – the last act is God’s not Trump’s and it is going to be brutal for him.  God has used Trump – before throwing him into that eternal fire?  but don’t worry, he will have lots of company.  Second going down behind him are those who claim to be ordained of God and followers of Trump.  Just as their life and power seem to be unfolding in their favor and direction it will just as suddenly change course.  Amen?


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