Almond and Cancer

We’ve always heard the little ditty “six almonds a day keeps cancer away.” Today it would have to be “six raw, organic almonds a day keeps cancer away.”

Only at the breakfast table we heard about the movement afoot to pasteurize all almonds and allow pasteurized almonds to be called raw. It is apparently going so far as to insist that all almonds be pasteurized and raw ones not allowed to be sold.
Don’t know how much truth there is to that, but if it is true that is HORRID.
One of the most often held conversations around the bed and breakfast table is about the connections between food, health and disease. Alternative ways of staying healthy and curing oneself are upper-most in a whole lot of folks minds these days and they are sharing!
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1/23/2008 a note via email in response:
What you heard around your breakfast table is true. On September 9, 2007 the USDA approved a new regulation to put an end to distribution of raw almonds. They must now be pasteurized – including organic almonds. The rub is that one way almonds are being pasteurized is with propylene oxide, which is classified as a human carcinogen and is banned in Canada, Mexico and the European nations. Ask your readers to write to the USDA to reverse this rule. Almond has been a political hot football for years because of its ability to cure cancer. People have been put out of business and worse because of advocating for almonds – especially bitter almonds. You don’t mention which kind in your writing!
Thanks for mentioning this it is important to all of our healths.”
2/29/2008 – a note via email in response:
I have discovered that almonds are a very powerful aphrodisiac. It could probably push viagra out of the market. Don’t know why, I just know they are great! Yes, Bettina folks, they should be raw and organic.

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August 10, 2008

Toss Viagra, Try Zinc

July 11, 2008

New Findings on Baking Bread

July 10, 2008

Antico Forno

June 23, 2008

New Found Health Help!

June 22, 2008

My First Blog (Updated)

June 20, 2008

Keeping Hair Healthy

April 17, 2008

Getting Old

April 12, 2008

Bettina’s Premier Beauty Secret

March 2, 2008

Legal Seafood Restaurant

February 14, 2008
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