Ajaron’s Omelette

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009

to learn more about Ajaron click here

A wonderful omelette which has received rave reviews.
You need: 2 eggs per person
green pepper
cheese (gruyère, jack cheese with jalapeño, or your preference of a melting cheese)
and/or whatever you have in the refrigerator that you want to add
(i.e. mushrooms, red onions, potatoes, asparagus, green peas, salmon, capers, etc.)
salt and cayenne pepper (we don’t recommend using black pepper on anything)
For optimal results, all of your ingredients should be organic and washed under cool running water (except for the cheese).
Before you start this omelette you must first deal with your attitude. Are you happy? singing while you work? In a giving, sharing, upbeat mood? If not, look in the cabinet for a few crackers, slice a little cheese to put on your crackers and forget about trying to make this omelette, it won’t be great.
Put on a bit of music that you like, sing to yourself for a little while, think beautiful thoughts, look through elegant magazines, read inspirational poetry out loud. If you’ve had an attitude adjustment, now try to make this omelette.
Be mindful of your utensils since the utensils you use will conduct your energy into the dish you are cooking. Wood will temper the Chi energies, while metal will more easily transmit them and plastic will poison because bacteria stays and grows more easily in the grooves and pits that increasingly occur as you use plastic.
To keep harmony in the kitchen, the center of the home, cook and clean as you work on your “chef d’oeuvre”. Organize yourself to clean your surfaces and cutting instruments in-between each vegetable, using cool water. When you are completely finished with the cooking process clean all utensils and surfaces with cool water and vinegar, which basically disinfects. Do not mix the vegetables until you put them into the pot.
Slice the onions. Be careful when you start to slice the onion that you slice them from top to bottom and not across the middle. You do this to maintain the yin and yang of the onion. Slicing the onion against the grain through the middle cuts the yin from the yang and doesn’t give you the kind of energy and nourishment you could otherwise get from this onion.
Take out the seeds and the ribs and slice the green pepper from top to bottom (for the same reason).
In a hot, iron, omelette skillet, put in enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. For the more adventurous, you can use Ghee (clarified butter instead of oil). Count to 23 and then add the hard ingredients (i.e. onions, green peppers as opposed to ‘soft’ mushrooms). Sautè ingredients until the onion is transparent and slightly brown and the other ingredients are also nicely cooked. You may need to add extra oil or ghee to keep the cooking process going. After the hard ingredients are tender, add the soft ingredients. Thinly cut ingredients will cook faster.
Crack open the eggs and put them in a glass bowl. Whip a good amount of air into the eggs to make them lighter. Add salt and pepper to the eggs.
In the skillet, prior to pouring in the eggs, add salt, pepper and turmeric. Spread the veggies so they have an even and consistent thickness. Gently pour the eggs over ALL of the vegetables. Let sit for a few seconds, while you clean up your preparation dishes.
With one hand on the skillet handle, tilt the skillet up to a 45 degree angle. At the same time, with the opposite hand, insert a thin spatula at the outer edge of the omelette, gently moving and lifting the outer side of the omelette towards the center allowing the eggs to run into the space created by the spatula. The lift and tilt needs to go around the skillet (kind of like an amusement park ride). Keep the pan close to the burner so it continues to cook.
The stove process is finished when you have gone around the skillet, tilting and lifting, once or twice. NOTE: The length of time this takes depends upon the amount of eggs you are using and the size of the skillet. The top of the omelet should look runny. Turn off the burner. If you have smoke or popping sounds, you are overcooking your omelette. This should be done very fast.
Sprinkle cheese over the top, put the omelette in its skillet into the oven or under the broiler. Leave it in the oven for about a minute, until the cheese melts. Depending upon your ingredients, the omelette will puff-up giving it a Spanish omelet look (not runny). If you prefer a French omelette, don’t put it in the oven or under the broiler. Add grated cheese a minute before turning off the burner. The heat of the omelette will melt the cheese. Serve it straight from the skillet.
This omelette can be served hot or cold. Leftovers are delicious. To serve this omelette, slice it as you would a cake. Enjoy a wonderful and easy to make breakfast treat. If you have leftovers your lunch is already prepared. Don’t eat lunch? Add a salad, a great bread, dessert, lemonade and you have an elegant French dinner!
This is a French omelette with a Spanish twist.


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