My husbands name is Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett, Jr.
My name is Marceline Donaldson
Why is MGH allowing itself to be used to abuse and destroy my African American husband? They have been so used by Somerville Cambridge Elder Affaires since March 1st. Elder abuse by an organization supposed to stop such, but has used this more than once to its advantage and to the advantage of those who work there against the people they serve. They engage in Medicare Fraud on a regular basis. They recruit people to use their services by using a form of Medicare Fraud.
I can be reached at 617 497 9166
or via email at
or via regular mail at P. O. Box 380585, Cambridge, MA. 02238
- I am asking that my husband be released from Mass General Hospital where he is being held on a section 12. This is an abusive use of a section 12 to incarcerate an African American man without public knowledge, awareness, being listed anyplace of having been incarcerated. If you check you will find such being used to incarcerate African American men and women in other parts of the U. S. A.
Dr. Bennett was not admitted to Mass General for Health Reasons.
Robert Bennett had brain surgery at Mass General at the end of February and was discharged March 1st with no medicine prescribed and his vitals in the normal range.
3) He could have gone home. He was in very good shape physically and emotionally. He does not like to use medical services so going home and following up with rehab in his home which is equipped for such, was his first choice.
However, it was suggested he go to rehab after Mass General and Robert agreed to that after initially disagreeing because he just wanted to go home. He agreed because Mass General suggested he go to Sherrill House in Jamaica Plain. Since Robert is a retired Episcopal priest, that made him change his mind. He said the possible spiritual part might make it a good experience.
4) We arrived at Sherrill House about 2pm on March 1st.
5) Robert was brought to his room and put in a bed by the ambulance driver and attendant. At that point all of our expectations took a nose dive.
6) We stayed in the room waiting for someone to check Robert in but after about 35 minutes when no one from Sherrill House even came to say hello we became concerned. I went to the nurses desk to ask what was the procedure and what would happen via rehab. I was told the nurses were busy. Robert should stay in bed and not get out. If he needed to go to the bathroom he should pull the chain for the nurse and someone would come.
7) We did that. Robert was concerned because he went to the bathroom his last couple days at Mass General and didn’t want to revert back to catheters, etc. He rang for the nurse, no one came for some 45 minutes and by that time it was too late.
8) The nurse finally came, took his vitals and told him to stay in bed for the rest of the day. That was not what either of us thought happened at rehab so we were beginning to get a bit concerned.
9) I left about 7pm and returned the next day, Monday March 2nd, about 11am. I was not able to see Robert because Sherrill House was quarantined. They had three or four patients on Roberts’ floor (2nd floor) who had the flu. I asked if they were separated from the rest of the patients and I was told no that was not necessary. With the coronavirus stories all around I asked what kind of flu and they did not know. I talked to Robert via telephone and we decided to go home where there was no one but us and especially no possibility of getting the flu. This was his second day at Sherrill House and he was still in the bed – no program for the day, nice people but no rehab. With the flu flying around he couldn’t walk around, activity was limited so it didn’t make sense to stay in bed when we had three pieces of exercise equipment at home, jacuzzi tub and more.
Robert said clearly he did not want to be involved in any more medical services or institutions. He would follow up with his surgery when it was time to go to Mass General clinic for a check up but that was it.
We said that to the people at Sherrill House and we left.
10) That Monday evening about 9-9:30pm a policeman rang our door bell and woke us up. He said he was there for a “wellness” check. Someone called concerned that Robert was not alright and asked for such a check. I answered the door. Robert heard the policeman at the door and came to see what was the problem. He did not want me alone at that time of night with a policeman ringing the doorbell.
11) The policeman apologized for waking us up – said everything seemed fine and left.
12) The next morning about 10:30am eight white policemen arrived at the front door of this African American man – ringing the bell along with 5 or 6 EMT people. I answered the door and looked out and the street was covered with police cars – a couple ambulances – a hospital gurney on the sidewalk with the neighbors coming out of their houses because of all that was going on. The police pushed into our house and said they came for Robert. They had an order to pick him up and take him to Mount Auburn Hospital.
We were appalled. Robert said he was not going. He wanted no more medical services or anything else and was not leaving his house. The police said he didn’t have a choice they were there on a “section 12” and he had to get on the gurney and into the ambulance because they had a Court Order to pick him up. Their order said they could break the door and do whatever to get Robert out of the house.
A section 12 is taken out to pick up someone who is an immediate threat to society and to self. Robert was neither.
It is a psychiatric section and there was never a whiff of any mental or related problems with Robert ever in life. But here he was being forced out of his home by EIGHT WHITE MALE POLICEMEN TO BE TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL.
We decided to go and work out whatever this was.
Not, however, to Mount Auburn Hospital, but to Mass General since he just had surgery at Mass General and it made no sense that they had something sending Robert to Mount Auburn Hospital. None of this made any sense until we saw the greed, racism, power needs of those involved in causing Dr. Bennett and his family this horrific experience.
That was before we knew who and what this was about.
Clearly, Mount Auburn was seen by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services as more compatible to what they wanted to do and the way they wanted to destroy Robert Bennett’s reputation, health, wealth and everything else they could destroy. The anger we saw directed at this African American man was unreal. With people we came into contact, especially from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services their emotions were not discussable and it was the jealousy and rage of racism when whites who see themselves as having and being less than an African American moves to destroy that African American. It is exhibited in the KKK poses riders who went after Blacks during slavery and after reconstruction when blacks who achieved, black cities which were established and doing well were destroyed and black men, women and children were massacred .
13) We arrived at Mass General and discovered we were being taken to a “special” emergency room where there were security people all around the room who looked like the security people around the president of the United States. The “section 12” was a psychiatric section where people are picked up who are considered a danger to the public, etc. for drinking, drugs, psychotic breaks, etc.
There had never in Robert’s life been even a hint of such. Robert does not drink, does not smoke, does not take drugs, has never had a psychotic break so he didn’t fit any of the criteria for being picked up on a section 12.
The psychologist who signed the papers which allowed the police to pick up Robert and force him from his home said, in writing, on the forms she had to fill in to cause this that she had never met Robert, never examined him, never been in his home. In spite of that she had him picked up on this section 12 and declared his home “unsafe,”
She needs to lose whatever license or licenses she has.
14) About 2am on Wednesday morning, a psychiatrist came to examine Robert. We sat in the emergency room from the time we arrived about 11am until this Doctor arrived because he had many people to interview before us – there were apparently several psychiatrists working, doing the same thing.
After the interview the psychiatrist said there was no reason for Robert being there. He left to talk to the “team”. A physician came back – not the same one – and said Mass General was lifting the section 12 because it didn’t fit Robert. We received a discharge paper which said – “no medicines are being prescribed” and all of Robert’s vitals are normal including his blood pressure.
Robert was discharged and we were exhausted. Robert had not eaten – no water – no nothing. So clearly the group who had Robert incarcerated at Mass General were clearly not interested in his health or healing. That is also shown in many different ways. The attorneys and those who work at Somerville Cambridge Elder Services also showed that lack of caring, but interest in this kind and other kind of cruel and vicious activity against the elderly which pads their pockets and helps their careers move forward.
15) When we returned home, after that really harrowing time, we had breakfast and walked around the neighborhood. Robert Bennett walked around the neighborhood under his own power, no walker, no cane, no help. He didn’t need such and had never needed such.
This was Wednesday March 4th. Robert had this very brief time of enjoying the company of a few friends – to sit by the Charles River for a time and went home.
A short time because more of the same was to come within the next 48 hours.
16) It was a horrifying experience to take an African American man out of his home by force with 8 policemen – all white – arriving – to incarcerate him in the hospital on a trumped up psychiatric charge.
When Robert said he wanted no more medical services – that trumped up parading out of a section 12 to incarcerate him in a hospital was a clear violation of his right to make that decision and a very angry slap back at Robert for rejecting more medical care and services – especially since they were not needed nor wanted.
As his Health Care Proxy I backed that up. We should have been left alone. Forced into a medical facility I would think amounts to Medicare Fraud. It certainly violates Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s right to make that kind of decision. Craps all over another of his rights – like they did blowing through his right to vote.
17) Not only were Robert’s rights to decline medical services violated, Tuesday – March 3rd was primary day for voting. Robert could not cast a vote as he was forcibly detained at Mass General Hospital where he could not leave – his right to vote was taken away because of what was happening – and Robert Bennett asked several times about needing to vote. He was told he could not leave until and unless the section 12 was lifted.
We were confused becasue we didn’t think we lived in a police state, but here we were being treated with every right destroyed in the crudest, most painful, most horrifying and demeaning way possible.
18.) After being released from Mass General Hospital on Wednesday March 4th with the section 12 lifted, on Friday, March 6th – just two days later – the police arrived again. – In another 1930’s Nazi Germany bit of theatre, performed for the neighborhood to continue demeaning and attempting to disgrace Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – a Harvard Graduate School recipient of a PhD which he painfully earned in the 1960’s in Near Eastern Studies, which would have been an extremely difficult things to achieve for an African American Man, the police arrived again saying they had a Court Order and came to pick up Robert to take him to Massachusetts General Hospital on a section 12.
We could not see the order. The policeman, who seemed to be in charge, pushed his cell phone in Marceline Donaldsons face and said she could read that if she wanted to see an order, but he did not have and was not going to get anything else. He said he had the right to break down the door, go all over the house looking for Robert Bennett, take him out of the house whether he wanted to go or not and if he declined and said he was not going they had the authority to carry him out. He said any damage that might happen to the house in the process was not their fault nor their responsibility.
We said Robert Bennett had just come back from Mass General Hospital on a section 12 with a discharge and very clear record. Another policeman asked to see the discharge papers. Marceline Donaldson went to get them and after looking at the papers he said they had some suspicious places and he didn’t see them as a real discharge – it had problems.
There were no problems with the discharge papers. There were no ifs, ands or buts, they were very clear. The police didn’t care about that. They had a Court Order which gave them the authority to break down their door if necessary, to push their way into their home – which they did even when Marceline Donaldson told them not to cross the sill of their door.
The police ignored her and pushed their way in their home with the objective of finding Robert Bennett and even if he objected to force him out into the ambulance to be incarcerated at Mass General Hospital on a psychiatric charge – even though he had experienced the exact same thing just two days prior and the hospital found no psychiatric problems. Robert Bennett was not a threat to society because of alcohol, drugs, psychotic break or anything els neither had he ever been in his life.
He was probably a threat to the way this United States society has chosen to order itself because he was an African American man living in a neighborhood which was “for white people only” and he had been “in their face” for some 36 years with the threat today of his African American family being in the same place and carrying on for another generation.
19) This time the police also had a “Protective Order” obtained in a Court hearing which only one side knew about. A hearing with charges brought by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services represented by Attorney James O’Sullivan who represents many such groups throughout the state and who has caused untold suffering and loss of assets by many families throughout the state.
The first time Massachusetts General Hospital did not incarcerate Robert keeping him in the hospital indefinitely. They set him free because they ad no reason to do otherwise.
This second time Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services were determined Robert would not walk free in this world, but would be incarcerated for as long as they could possibly hold him in the hospital until they could find a way to take over guardianship to keep him until he was in truth “indigent.” and they could walk away with his insurance maxed out and all of his other assets gone.
Robert’s wife – Marceline Donaldson – was accused of abuse in the Court Order which followed the hearing with only one side represented. Everything presented by Attorney O’Sullivan was apparently accepted by the Court and everything Attorney James O’Sullivan requested was granted.
The fact that most of what he requested with the reasons he presented was not true – didn’t seem to matter to anyone.
The abuse accusation against Marceline Donaldson was not true, but necessary because it was a needed accusation in that Court hearing for Attorney O”Sullivan to be able to push her aside because he wanted the Court to invalidate Robert Bennett’s wife as Health Care Proxy and he wanted her replaced with the Health Care Proxy which had been invalidated by the intervention of probate attorney McInnis and Mass General Hospital.
They could not raid Robert Bennett’s insurance and assets without that happening.
And there were other charges which were calculated to make it impossible for Robert Bennett to leave the hospital for quite a very long time – none of them about his health..
20) This was done on a Friday after 6pm with everything closed and inaccessible.
21) The Court invalidated the Health Care Proxy created by Mass General Hospital, which they created after very long interviews with Robert Bennett as to who he wanted for his Health Care Proxy and put in its place a Health Care Proxy which he believed was forged because he did not sign such a document and the person it set up as his Health Care Proxy was one he very specifically did not want in that position and had moved to get a Health Care Proxy created by a probate attorney so his right to decide and name who he wanted as his Health Care Proxy would happen.
Unfortunately, this Health Care Proxy System does not act in the way expected. Your decisions can be reversed if the price is high enough.
The Court declared Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett “indigent”. He was far from that designation, however, that was a designation Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services were accustomed to using and apparently have no problem lying about because of the doors it opens to raiding insurance, getting grand money under untrue circumstances, but not known by the grantees because of the Court giving cover to such actions while allowing other assets to be raided – which they are, today, in the process of doing.
The Health Care Proxy, which the Court invalidated in this hearing, surfaced in November 2019. Not having signed that Health Care Proxy and being concerned at its appearance, to protect himself, Robert asked a neighbor to draw up a Health Care Proxy for him because he did not want what was out there to stand. He said he had not signed nor knew anything about a Health Care Proxy naming Maliça Aronowitz as his Health Care Proxy and he very specifically did not want her to serve in that capacity.
Robert Bennett wanted his wife – Marceline Donaldson to be his health care proxy. – the neighbor Robert Bennett asked was Don McInnis who is a probate attorney and has known Robert and his wife as neighbors who live across the street from one another for some 20 to 30 years.
22) That was the proxy Dr. Bennett and his wife gave to the Dr. Kehlman, who at the time was Robert Bennett’s primary care physician. Maliça Aronowitz came up with Dr. Kehlman, who Robert Bennett did not know and was not sure he wanted.
Dr. Kehlman has since been fired by Robert Bennett. Dr. Kehlman had the Health Care Proxy Maliça gave him naming her as Health Care Proxy. His nurse was given, in hand, the Health Care Proxy Don McInnis drew up for Robert Bennett and they acknowledged receipt of such. On information and belief they have not honored that Health Care Proxy continuing to only recognize the Health Care Proxy given to them by Malica Aronowitz – a long time patient of theirs.
23) When Robert’s wife brought him to Mass General, by ambulance, for what resulted in his recent brain surgery – she did so after talking to neurologists because of her concern about Roberts health at the time. He had fallen from the aftermath of two eye surgeries which he did not want but was pressured into and which were unsuccessful and took away some of the eyesight he had before both operations.
His ability to read was diminished after both surgeries. Much of his peripheral vision in the eye in which the surgeries took place and which Maliça Aronowitz insisted he have and which he should not have gone through.
Those surgeries caused the fall which resulted in the brain surgery that started all of this.
During the brain surgery Maliça Aronowitz gave Mass General Robert’s Health Care Proxy which she knew had been invalidated and replaced by one created by the probate attorney Robert asked to create one to name the Health Care Proxy he wanted making decisions for him if he reached a position where he could not make his own decisions and that person was his wife.
24) When Robert and his wife, Marceline Donaldson, were getting ready to leave Mass General being discharged, the person who handles Health Care Proxies for Mass General said she wanted to talk to Robert about who he wanted as a Health Care Proxy because two things had happened. Unbeknowst to either Robert or his wife, Maliça Aronowitz, even knowing Robert had invalidated her Health Care Proxy, had given Mass General her Health Care Proxy as though it was the one that would be operational if Robert could not make his own decisions about his health.
25) Mass General had a concern because the Health Care Proxy the probate attorney drew up for Robert had a typographical error. At the bottom of the last page before Robert’s signature the date was November 18, 2019. After Robert’s signature and before the signature of the witnesses – Mrs Trudi Van Slyck and Mr. Don McInnis – the date was November 18, 2018. Both witnesses on that proxy were people who were friends of the Donaldson/Bennetts for some 30 years.
The woman who represents Mass General in Court about Proxies said she would be more comfortable creating a new Health Care Proxy so there would be no issues or questions and we would be safe. She did that and we left Mass General with a Health Care Proxy that reflected who Robert wanted as his Health Care Proxy.
The Donaldson/Bennetts had an issue following the first section 12 experience at Mass General Hospital. One of the nurses took them aside to say they should know the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services group had been following the Donaldson/Bennetts for quite some time. The person who said that to them did not know why they were being so followed, but because there didn’t seem to be a reason for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services to do that the nurse thought the Donaldson Bennetts should know about that surveillance.
26) In the Court Hearing, which gave Attorney Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services a section 12 which they had served on Robert on March 6th, the judge also invalidated the Health Care Proxy naming Robert Bennett’s wife as his Health Care Proxy and put in place the Health Care Proxy naming the person Robert very specifically said he did not want as his Health Care Proxy. Attorney O’Sullivan knew the two Health Care Proxies he was having invalidated were ones Dr. Bennett wanted and he knew the person so named was the person Dr. Bennett wanted to make Health Care decisions for him if he was unable to do so for himself.’=
In spite of that Attorney O’Sullivan did what he needed to do to have Robert Bennett’s choice of a Health Care Proxy removed and the one he and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services wanted to her place – positioned so they would have complete control over Robert Bennett and his assets and insurance.
27) Attorney Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services play a very vicious game with families. They knew accusing Marceline Donaldson of abusing her husband would give the Court reason to replace her as his Health Care Proxy. and that is exactly what happened.
Robert Bennett was exposed to health care decisions made by someone he very specifically said he did not want making decisions about his health. He expressed that by having a probate attorney draw up a Health Care Proxy naming who he did want making those decisions. The Court replaced Robert Bennett’s decision for himself taking away another right he was supposed to have and activated the Health Care Proxy Attorney O’Sullivan wanted activated Robert’s rights over his health life were taken away. The door was opened for the raid about to happen.
At that point in time, Robert Bennett was able to make his own decisions about his health choices, however, by activating the Health Care Proxy, the Court took those choices away from him, putting its own choices requested by Attorney James O’Sullivan on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services in the place of Robert Bennett’s desires when none of them knew if Robert could or could not make his own choices.
The Court did this in a hearing about which Robert Bennett had not been notified and so could not be present. It was a door open to outright robbery of Robert Bennett and of the Medicare System.
Robert Bennett is not in Massachusetts General Hospital for Health reasons. He is there for political and financial reasons and we ask that the Court reverse itself and put in place an order releasing Robert Bennett from Massachusetts General Hospital unconditionally.
We also ask that his Health Care Proxy that he chose be restored – and that is his wife, Marceline Donaldson.
We ask that the Court remove the abuse accusation against Marceline Donaldson – Robert Bennett’s wife. It was a lie told knowingly for the express purpose of having her removed as Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett so Dr. Benett’s insurance and other things could be used and abused to the maximum. that is now what is happening.
Is that why MGH is allowing this to happen in its hospital? It brings in substantial money? they know about and have known about this for some time and have done nothing. In the biblical tradition they called for a bowl of water – soup and a towel and washed their hands of any responsibility. But this is happening in their facility.
We also ask that the Court remove Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s designation as “indigent” – poverty stricken – which was declared to this Court as accurate by Attorney James O’Sullivan on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. To so declare Dr. Bennett as “indigent” that opens a large amount of insurance money that would not otherwise be available to those taking advantage of the situation in which they put Dr. Bennett to raid his insurance for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services?
Two young women from Somerville Cambridge Elder Services came to the Bennett Home on Monday afternoon March 2nd and offered the Bennett/Donaldsons “free” everything. Someone to clean their house – free. Someone to cook their meals – free. Someone to walk their dog – “free”. And so much more. Dr. Bennett and his wife declined the services. They said they should be offered to those in need. Their house was taken care of, so were their meals, etc. The two young women were quite furious at that and showed their anger. Turns out the “free” was actually going to be paid for with Dr. Bennett’s insurance. The women were Angela Clary and Noral Al Wataid – who worked in “Protective Services” for Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.
Dr. Bennett should be able to have an attorney of his choice, not an attorney appointed by the Court. But, since he was characterized by Attorney James O’Sullivan as “indigent” the Court appointed an attorney to represent Dr. Bennett.
A Ms. Scott was appointed.
While Ms. Scott may or may not be a good attorney, that kind of continued taking away from Dr. Bennett the rights granted to him in these United Sates that continued what started with eight white policemen aggressively and viciously invading an African American man’s home.
After Ms. Scott was appointed – given the overload of cases she has she was not able to see Dr. Bennett for some two weeks after he was forced into MGH so he was consigned to Mass General Hospital, with no medical reason for being there, for an exceptionally long duration of time keeping him from his home and family – at least two weeks of which were added because the court appointed attorney was busy with other clients
His wife was over the top with concern about Dr. Bennett because she heard of Ms. Scott’s reasons for not being able to see him for two weeks. She was constantly in and out of nursing homes with other patients and her time was limited. The problems that could be caused with the coronavirus around with Dr. Bennett being seen by an attorney who was in and out of nursing homes was almost hysteria raising concerns about Dr. Bennett’s future life or lack of it.
To add to the sway the others would have over Dr. Bennett, his wife was precluded from seeing him on many days and severely time limited on others.
The time Dr. Bennett has been forced to remain in the hospital with no sun, no window, no ability to leave is now some four weeks.
It is not acceptable for the Courts to put that kind of burden on a supposedly free citizen of these United State. Dr. Bennett lost even his right to vote in the process of all of this. Dr. Bennett has lost his right to choose the Health Care Proxy he wanted. hHe has lost his freedom of movement since he is now confined to a hospital bed in a space some 7′ by 9′ for four weeks and counting for vicious reasons meant to keep him in that place. Dr. Bennett has lost the comfort and love of his wife and family. They are not being allowed into the hospital for visitation and he is not being allowed out and so much more.
In addition, Dr. Bennett’s wife was not able to see him nor was he able to see her for these four weeks except for 1/2 hour each day and even then for a very few of those days.
Marceline Donaldson was only allowed to see her husband with a Security Guard and armed Policeman present. The 1/2hour visits were few and far between because the Security Guards stopped her on many of those days and would not allow her to see her husband for very spurious reasons:
Guard Robert DuBois refused Ms. Donaldson the ability to see her husband claiming Robert Bennett had filed a restraining order against his wife. That was not true, but that was yet another day Dr. Bennett was kept from his family even for that small amount of time.
Additionally, the Security Guard threw Marceline Donaldson out of the hospital and was quite ugly to her in the process. The demeaning and disgrfaceful way the Bennett Donaldsons have been treated has been nonstop.
On other days she could not see Dr. Bennett because the hospital claimed to be short staffed and there were no available Security Guards and armed policemen who could spend 1/2 hour sitting in Dr. Bennett’s room while she visited. There were other such reasons which kept her from seeing her husband most days. And now she can’t see him at all because the hospital is restricted and visitors are not allowed because of the coronavirus scare.
Ms. Donaldson was also not allowed to talk to him via the telephone because that was not allowed.
That changed when a friend of the Bennett Donaldsons with the last name of Schlossberg called the hospital on Friday March 27th and asked to speak to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. She was refused after being put on hold for more than 15 minutes; being transferred to security where they took her name and identification and kept her on hold another 10 minutes and then refused to allow her to speak to Dr. Bennett. That was a common response to most people who called Dr. Bennett.
The Patient Advocate office called Ms. Donaldson within minutes of this friend being denied connecting to Dr. Bennett’s room to talk to him. Ms. Donaldson was given Dr. Bennett’s telephone number where she could call him directly eliminating what Ms. Schlossberg went through trying to speak to Dr. Bennett on the telephone and was denied that right.
Dr. Bennett has also not been able to see friends throughout this ordeal because he is on a “restricted” list. If you went to Mass General to see Dr. Bennett, before visitors were closed out, you were be told such a patient was not in the hospital.
And there is much more, but this has gotten very long and you know where the rest has been going.
We ask that everything else in the Protective Order be eliminated and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services be ordered to stay away from the Donaldson/Bennett family.
Respectfully Requested
Marceline Donaldson
Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett
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