ACRI, the stock we are buying

Moved from .060 where it closed on Friday to .0737 today. We think the move came from a press release from the company which talked about a new Purchase Order it received for product to be delivered in two weeks:

“Acro, Inc. Receives Purchase Order for ACRO-ETK5 Plus Explosives Detection Kit From Government Agency
9:04a ET May 3, 2010 (Market Wire)
Acro, Inc. (OTCBB: ACRI), a leading manufacturer of explosive detection solutions for the homeland security market and related sectors, today announced a new purchase order for its popular ACRO-ETK5 Plus explosives detection kit from an international government agency. The purchase order will be shipped in two weeks, and will be used in the field to detect a wide range of materials used in explosives.

“This product has been successfully used by Israeli Port Authorities and security forces of other countries around the world,” said Gadi Aner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Acro, Inc. “This newest purchase order demonstrates our ability to successfully grow our base of customers and increase market adoption for our products.”

The ETK5 Plus enables simple, rapid and reliable detection of persons engaged in preparing, handling or carrying explosive charges and allows for fast screening of suspects in the field. The kit aids in detection through exposure and proof of contact contamination of various surfaces by explosives.”

ACRI has a product which can be used by companies around the world and it looks as though it is beginning to get its groove on. Hopefully, it will continue to move up as more such orders come pouring in.


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