ABUSE of the Police! ABUSE of the Court! ABUSE of the Elderly for Money and Power!
“My husband’s condition is dire. He has been under enormous pressure which could and probably has negatively affected his health. Put in that position by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, a group that claims to be concerned about his health and have accused his wife of abuse. Why such an accusation? Because it allowed them to move me aside and put someone in as his Health Care Proxy who they thought they could control and who they thought would cooperate with whatever they wanted to do.” (Marceline Donaldson) – that is the information we have received.
We are getting information that shows us how this system, which is a part of the health care system, works and why so many people have had to file bankruptcy when they get into the healthcare system. – It shows us how huge amounts of money is flowing away from the middle class into the top 1% without you even realizing what is happening.
In the case of Robert Bennett, attorney James O’Sullivan seems to be a key player in this area of power and control in Massachusetts and works for groups like Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. There needs to be an investigation into this entire area – a very careful investigation in which those doing the investigation and those close to them have no interest either in this area or to the people involved.
How does O’Sullivan and others do this deed and where do they get information as to who they are going to attack?
They go to Court – have a hearing – after which they are allowed by the judge to do whatever they ask. How are they able to do this? Only one side appears. Only those bringing the action knows about the hearing and so whatever that side presents to the Court, without witnesses and without proof is accepted. In addition, in the case of Robert Bennett, they withheld crucial information from the Court that they have, which should have mitigated against their request.
Under such circumstances the Court ruled in favor of the person and group bringing the action. In the case of Robert Bennett it is and was Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services.
One of his tactics – and possibly the tactics now being used by other attorneys, is to accuse the person who might be in the way of their taking over another human being, destroying that person’s quality of life and life itself, taking over their insurance and their assets with the person who could have stood in the way being accused of abuse or some equally ugly behavior.
The Court ruling is “impounded” which means it is not made public – and the person so slandered in the ruling is held under a black mail threat to their reputation being destroyed by whatever the accusations against them. In the case of Robert Bennett – his wife was accused in the ruling of abuse so she is then moved aside and the bank vault is open. The rip off of the person involved – in this case Robert Bennett – means that any and all of his assets are now available to Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. Is that for their use and/or their distribution of those assets to others? They can take guardianship over, charge to his insurance, and so much more.
The judge also signed off on classifying Robert Bennett as “indigent”. Making it easier for his assets to be looted. Now O’Sullivan and his group have total control over Robert Bennett.
In this case, they misjudged his wife, and the threat of “being exposed publicly with this legal charge of abuse” didn’t work. She took the threat of ruining her reputation, made it public and is defending her husband. How many people are able to do that? Most would and have shrunk back and gone along allowing whatever to happen.
After Robert Bennett’s choice of a Health Care Proxy was removed by O’Sullivan and friends – with that person being his wife – and who Robert Bennett chose in two Health Care Proxies – one done by an attorney of his choice who was his friend of some 20 plus years and one a professional at Mass General Hospital who handles the hospital’s Health Care Proxies. –
O’Sullivan and friends established as Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy someone he specifically said to both those who created the two previous Health Care Proxies that he did not want as his Health Care Proxy.
With the establishment of a Health Care Proxy who they apparently thought was under there control were ready to move freely:
To accuse Marceline Donaldson of abusing her husband with no proof. Why was that necessary? When she was Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy that meant that James O’Sullivan and the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services Group could remove her as his Health Care Proxy and appoint whoever they wanted to be in that position and that is what they did. They appointed someone to be Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy who he did not want in that position; he said so to several people including professionals at Mass General Hospital, all to no use because of the games O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elders Services Group have learned to play very well.
Once the Health Care Proxy that James O’Sullivan wanted was in place – the game accelerates. The person, newly appointed as Health Care Proxy, blocks requests by anyone who might endanger Somerville Cambridge’s position and/or O’Sullivans or drags their feet not saying no to a request, but pushing it back until it is no longer relevant and allows O’Sullivan to speak and give what he claims is the Health Care Proxy’s wishes for Robert Bennett. If those wishes are not what Robert Bennett wanted, well the system has been set up so that what he wants doesn’t matter, it is what Somerville Cambridge Elder Care Services determines they want for him.
This entire situation was built on the lies James O’Sullivan crafted in Court – in a Court hearing in which the other side had no knowledge and has been able to make no input.
What happens next? That “patient” is then declared “indigent” – “homeless” – etc. and that makes it easier to access that persons insurance and any other assets. It also allowed O’Sullivan and the Somerville Cambridge Elder Services to access whatever the State, City, Federal Government offers to people in such need and in such a position.
Accordingly, Robert Bennett was declared “indigent”.
So, that persons’ insurance as well as any and all benefits an indigent, homeless, poverty stricken person would have access to because they are in that “needy” position have now been placed within reach of the grasp of all in this cabal.
And then comes “guardianship over”. That opens the rest of the doors- his home, any other assets he may have, etc. etc. etc. All now accessible and clearly easily so because the Court has shown where it is in all of this and that is not anywhere protecting the rights of the citizens who come before it. Only on the one side, which is clearly the preferred side by the Court.
With an African American man and family on the other side all of the negative stereotypes are operative and fed to all and sundry to shore up what is happening and the more that is about to happen.
“My husband is not in the hospital because of medical problems. He was not brought to Mass General Hospital for medical reasons on March 3rd.
After this forced trip to Mass General on march 3rd under a section 12, Robert Bennett was discharged from Mass General with a paper which said his blood pressure and other such indicators were normal. No medicine was prescribed. A date was set for a return visit for a CT Scan to make sure he was healing properly and that date was March 19th and that happened because I called Mass General Hospital to make sure that would happen. The appointment was being cancelled before I called because the hospital was shutting down. When they discovered Robert Bennett was already in the hospital – something the clinic said they did not know – they said the CT Scan would happen because that could be arranged “in house” and that did happen.
Robert Bennett has lost weeks of his life with his family. This is the first time he and his wife have been separated in some 36 years of marriage and it has been extremely painful for both. Robert Bennett’s family has been deprived of a lot. He was sitting down to dinner with his adult children and his wife when the police came, interrupted that dinner in a horrendous way and demanded that he go with them in spite of his objection saying he did not want to go with them. He did not eat that evening – so much for concern about his health.
Since then, no one has been allowed to visit Robert Bennett. If you went to the information desk at Mass General to ask for him, as friends did, you were told there was no such patient in the hospital. His wife’s visits were limited to 1/2 hour a day in the company of a Security Guard and a Policeman. Most days she was not allowed for various very spurious reasons. That is enormous power and control the medical industry, through attorneys like James O’Sullivan and groups like Somerville Cambridge Elder Services, has over this society.”
The police power that the medical industry has is enormous, growing very fast and is unbelievably vicious and callous. You do not have the right to decide if you want medical services, medicines, incarceration in hospitals and/or other medical facilities. If someone has determined for any personal or political or financial reason that you should be under the control of the medical industry they can move against you using unbelievable police powers. They don’t need medical records, diagnosis, proof of any charges they bring to Court. They simply need to appear before the right judge.
The Court System is only one such institution used to move against the citizens under its control. The police can be vicious when they are involved and some were when they went to Robert Bennett’s house – refusing to even produce a copy of the Court Order giving them the authority to pick him up. This is the creation of a very effective police state which can be expanded quickly into other areas. Ever think Nazi Germany could not happen in the U. S. – well think again, it is at your doorstep.
“The police would not have pushed into my house with the power they believed they had looking for a terrorist. They did that looking for an African American man with no background nor history that would say he was any kind of threat to society or to himself that the kind of police power on display twice, was necessary.
The Somerville Cambridge Elder Services had no reason to be involved at all, but they are the people who went to Court to get the police into our home. The police then took over to take my husband out by force; to refuse to give his family or anyone else copy of the order under which they were working – the only thing the police did was to show – while holding it in their hand – a cell phone of the supposed “lead” policeman, which could not be read the type was so small.” (Marceline Donaldson)
We are beginning to understand as more people call and tell their stories – this is not the only such story. Most people are too afraid of the police to move against what is happening to them. They agree – go along to get along – and all the advice they get, even from many professionals in this Elder Services field, is to ‘go along with the program, that is the only way your loved one, relative, etc. is going to be able to get out of whatever institution to which they have been committed or to get out of whatever the healthcare industry and those who feast on it will allow anything to happen releasing your family member back to the family.
What advice do others give? Go along with the program – do what they want – you have no other choice. After you go along you can then work to get your family, friend, etc. out. What is wrong with that advice? After you go along the money has been ripped out of the insurance companies, medicare, medicaid and other areas and everyone is happy because they have achieved their objectives so, of course, the doors open for you to take your family member, friend, home. You may have lost your home and everything else you own, but you now have your family back together again and some people and groups are happily feeding on what you and your family have lost.
It is a problem across the United States. Established institutions which are in place for other reasons are very effectively being abused and misused by these so called “care” groups and their attorneys.
It is rape in a different form and context. It affects more people, destroys more lives and almost no-one is looking at this growing phenomena which will shortly change the structure, priorities and values of this society. It has already eliminated your right to privacy and the threats coming to others after the vultures have abused the Court System are overwhelming.
Robert Bennett is in the hospital – for more than two weeks now – and not for health reasons. He was picked up and put there for power, control and money – after he was legitimately discharged from Mass General Hospital.
“We were over the moon about the treatment he received from Mass General Hospital. We are not people who use much of the healthcare industry or its services, but our reviews for Mass General were glowing. We have to mitigate that now because there is a back door to Mass General Hospital, where the lower level staff turns black, the care is emergency around drug abuse, alcohol abuse, people with psychotic breaks where anyone can be picked up and incarcerated in the hospital. That is what Robert was picked up and incarcerated in the hospital for. He does not drink; does not take drugs; has no psychiatric problems – yet there he was, no proof needed just go to Court swear out an affidavit and the Court order is to the police to do the deed. What a setting for the problems at the border to be set up wholesale in the rest of the country to rid it of its minority population.
Take a look at reviews of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. One says “they are very amateurish”; “they are careless in the way they spend money – taking cabs to the bank”. etc.
“A policeman came to our door on Monday evening about 9pm on March 2nd to do what he called a “wellness” check. My husband left a rehab center that afternoon – he left because that was his choice and the choice of his Health Care Proxy because the rehab center was under quarantine because three or four people had the flu on his floor. He also left because at that rehab center he was put in a bed and there he stayed most of the time he was at the center. His bladder was working, but he was told not to go to the bathroom, call the nurse. He did and the nurse responded about 45 minutes later.
– so the police were sent Monday evening to do this “wellness” check. No problems with being placed in a rehab center under quarantine, but problems with the patient who did not want to take the risk – especially after hearing that the same thing happened to that rehab center some months before and as we heard – only a couple patients caught the flu.
The door was opened, the policeman was invited in, he said he came to “check on” Robert Bennett. Robert heard the police and came to the door. He was in his pajamas and robe – alert and just fine. The policeman acknowledged that – apologized for coming and left. Robert Bennett walked to the door under his own power without any limps, problems, walker, and hearing the police and not imagining why they would be at the door at that hour of the night, he went to the door to ‘protect his wife” (by Marceline Donaldson).
The next morning – at about 10am the 8 policemen arrived along with EMS personnel. Interesting that with all of those people at the door, about 12 or more, not one was African American and not one a woman.
Robert Bennett was picked up by the police from his home after saying several times he did not want to go – he was forced out of his home against his will and against his family’s wishes, by the police for what was characterized as medical services he said clearly he did not want. That was the first of two times police forced Robert Bennett to leave his home against his will. Both times he said he did not want the medical services being forced on him. The claim was his health? Nothing could so negatively affect his health than all of this back and forth. It is amazing he has not had a relapse or worse.
The police had been called to do that by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. They sent the police on Monday evening March 2nd after 9pm to Robert Bennett’s home. From what information supplied by who? especially since Robert Bennett had given no one the right to distribute his health records.
After discovering that Robert Bennett was ‘well’> They sent the police again, the very next morning, on Tuesday morning march 3rd to drag Robert Bennett out of his home on a section 12 and into the hospital from which he was again discharged with “no medicines prescribed” and “all of his vital signs normal” with no problems found.
Somerville Cambridge Elder services again had Robert Bennett dragged out of his home against his wishes as had been the case previously on March 6th on a section 12. That section 12 was filed by the same Somerville Cambridge elder services after the one they filed on March 3rd had been lifted with no problems found and no reason for it to have been filed. The one filed on March 6th kept Robert in the hospital because with that filing James O’Sullivan also filed for a “Protective Order” to be placed on Robert Bennett accusing his wife of abuse and all kinds of other things – without proof, witnesses, etc.
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services had no reason to intervene. Robert Bennett and his Health Care Proxy were clear that they did not want nor need such intervention. They had nothing from any doctors that said Robert Bennett had health needs which were not being met – nothing that said Robert Bennett was physically in danger – nothing that said Robert Bennet’s life and health were in danger. They did have a wellness report from a police officer from the night before that was positive and said he did not see a problem. At least that is what was said by the policeman on Monday evening to Marceline Donaldson and Robert Bennett after the policeman woke them after 9pm.
Robert Bennett was very clear with Somerville Cambridge Elder Services that – thank you, but no thanks for the services you are offering us “for free”. We have everything we need here and neither need nor want your services.”
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services showed Robert Bennett and his wife who was in charge and whose will would prevail and they would invade his house whether he liked it, wanted it or not.
For saying “no thanks” to their offer of someone to clean the house; someone to cook; someone to take him for walks; someone to give Robert and his wife psychological services; someone to walk their pet (but they had no pet) and more they sent the police to force those services on Robert by putting him into the hospital for as long as they decide he should stay there And he is still there and Somerville Cambridge Elder Services is still insisting on forcing on this family “free” hospital beds and even more services than originally offered.
Who is paying for all of this? The costs are exorbitant – enormous. Both for Robert Bennett’s family – for the taxpayers of the city of Cambridge – for so much more. The attorneys are making much money – so much that it is hard to hire an attorney doing this kind of work. They are all, apparently, over the top engaged.
Who is paying for the two weeks Robert Bennett has been incarcerated against his will at Mass General Hospital and not for medical reasons.
Who is paying for this? Somerville Cambridge Elder Services could care less. They work in insurance. They take their money for services rendered from insurance companies, from state grants, etc. They don’t put that up front. When they talk to potential “clients” they talk about the services they offer “for free”. Is that “for free” because they have checked on the “client’s” insurance? the client’s assets? and so much more. They clearly knew all about Robert’s financial condition because we saw where they had checked on such. Even after that and after visiting his home they erroneously claimed he was “indigent”. It is extremely difficult to walk into that house and call the inhabitants “indigent”. This is insurance fraud, amongst a whole list of other things. – not the least of which is abuse of the police; abuse of the Court system; etc.
Who takes this on with attorneys to sue this group – and others like them because they are so far away from their original mandate? From what we have discovered this has been going on for quite a long time – with no oversight? No accounting to a state group? No complaints by others taken seriously or even investigated?
There are needs in this society in the area Somerville Cambridge Elderly services are supposed to be serving. That is not who they are today and that is not what they are doing nor is that who they are serving. Their power has grown so far that they violate your privacy and, apparently are in a position to take all of your assets. (The Bennett/Donaldsons know a lot about that since they have been hounded by many to rip off the house which they own and in which they live. Is this another such attempt coming from a different side to rid the Brattle street neighborhood of an African American couple? Or is it the same side that hs tried to get rid of them taking another route to “purify” their neighborhood?
From where did they get Robert Bennett’s name and address? How did they know he had been in Mass General Hospital? Someone gives them this kind of information on everyone who comes out of the hospital because they respond offering their “free services” – within 24 hours of discharge. How does that happen when no one gave anyone the right to have access to that information?
After checking we discovered they receive “commissions” for the services they claim are “free”, but are really paid by your private insurance, or medicare, or medicaid or whichever insurance company they write this off to.
How did they get the kind of police power they have and misuse in some unbelievably irresponsible ways.
the kind of pressure they have put on Robert Bennett and his family is enormous and has cost them unbelievable amounts of money, not including the monies they have and will have to spend on attorneys and the loss of reputation.
This is certainly how to get money from patients beyond what is called for by their health needs.
Robert Bennett had the right to privacy for his medical records. That was totally violated by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services – a group which we discovered has been following the Bennett/Donaldson family for a few years. They had total access to his medical records – how and why?
It may be them today, but it will be you and your family tomorrow. What needs to happen for you to be in this place? A group like Somerville Cambridge Elder Services is told by; discovers in some way; that you are in the hospital – who gave others permission to give that information out to the public? Apparently, not only these groups, but others wanting to sell to you get that information. Privacy? What happened to it? Is the healthcare area one in which you have been stripped of your right to privacy without your knowledge?
There is much more – stay tuned! As we sift through everything coming in and work to verify what we are receiving.