A Travel Tip

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009

I travel quite a bit and with the new airline rules I have found that packing most of my belongings the day before and mailing them via overnight mail to where I am going tends to relieve my worry about the airlines losing my luggage; I don’t have to drag stuff through airports or worry about airport security making me miss my plane; and since I travel mostly bed & breakfast the host family always accepts my packages and I arrive to find them in my room. The few times I travel using hotels I do the same thing and the package is at the hotel desk when I arrive. Although doing this with hotels is not a sure thing because sometimes the hotel will receive the package and put it on the side and I won’t get it until the next day, even though it arrived in a timely fashion.
When I leave I do the same thing. Usually, the hotel or bed & breakfast will have boxes I can use for shipping. If they don’t there is generally a liquor store nearby and they always have boxes which can be used for mailing. Almost any kind of store will have empty boxes waiting to be tossed. Anything I buy while in a particular city generally goes into the box and goes back home regular mail because it isn’t really crucial that I receive those return boxes immediately upon arrival. It is a little cheaper, but not that much. If I am feeling flush I will send the boxes home via overnight mail as well, but I don’t do that very often.
The cost of paying airlines to carry a piece of luggage is a ridiculous thought. I stopped fuming over the cost and came up with something which relieves me of dragging luggage through airports. I now only have my overnight case and a computer.

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