A Stock Market Follow-Up

Copyright the Bettina Network, inc. 2009

From the blog “Stock Market Action at Breakfast”.
The guest wrote about buying two stocks from a discussion around the breakfast table at a Bettina Network home. The blog is dated June 15, 2009. The stocks they talked about were IVAN and IVN. IVAN – an oil stock and IVN a gold mining stock. On the day we received their note – June 15, 2009 – IVAN was selling at $1.56/share. Today IVAN is selling at $1.39/share.
IVN, however, was selling at $6.12/share. Today IVN is selling at $9.13/share so on the whole, they did very well. We will continue to follow the stock tips we receive to keep you up to date on how good or how poor these conversations are for stocks.

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