A Stock Market Conversation – about PRHB

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013

Every once in a while we have  conversation about the stock market – stocks people are buying – all the things of interest to those who invest, trade, gamble  stocks listed in the New York Stock Exchange, but sometimes we even have conversations about foreign exchanges and stocks traded around the world.

The most interesting are generally those connected with natural resources – gold, silver, oil and the like.

This one is about a small stock we traded before and so were interested to hear it come up for consideration once again.

It is PRHB –  which stands for Pure H2o BioTechnologies.  They are currently selling for $.0001 – so $100 will buy one million shares.  Our ears picked up immediately.  What a conversation piece.  We could buy this stock and talk to our friends dropping our million share purchase of a stock we expected to soar.  Well, to at least .01/share, but we will leave out that part.

The cost of one million shares is the cost of a lovely meal for two – so we will forego the meal and buy the stock.  Much more fun and with some lasting memories.  Maybe we will even send for the stock certificate and frame it for future generations.

The company has a good technology, we think.  It produces and distributes high purity water for industrial and institutional applications.  What could be more environmentally friendly.  They say their water treatment is trouble-free for their clients and they say “they manufacture the highest quality, totally integrated systems that exceed customer expectations and reduce customer operating costs.”

If you want to read more about them, their web site is www.ipureh2o.com or you can Yahoo, Google or Bing PRHB or their name!

We didn’t do a lot of research – instead we just bought the stock because we were looking for a bit of fun in the stock market, which has been great for some lately and a disaster for others.  We thought we would take the fun part and have a great story – follow a stock that could produce millions for us – or could lose us our $100 investment.

Maybe next month we may even buy another one million shares!  Our ears are open for those conversations at breakfast which just might bring us that windfall that the lottery has not produced.

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