A Spectacular Breakfast
copyright 2009 Bettina Network, Inc.
This dish can be the centerpiece of either breakfast or lunch. Of course, we prefer it served at breakfast. It is spectacularly beautiful. Upon presentation to your guests it looks ike an ivory rose with a yellow center. We believe this dish has its origins in Brazilian cuisine, but we can’t vouch for that.
To serve four people you will need the following:
4 eggs, separated
4 slices French bread
4 slices cheese
8 slices bacon, ham, sausages (your choice)
All ingredients should absolutely be organic – the eggs, bread, cheese, butter and the rest need to be organic or the taste will change to washed out, pasteurized. We find people rave over our eggs. We don’t do anything special to get that great taste, we just buy organic eggs from farmers we know and have seen how they raise and feed their chickens. The net result is their eggs taste like eggs. Eggs from chickens grown in those apartment houses stacked on top of one another, fed horrific feed tastes like eating scrambled water and they pass the anxiety, pain and agony they suffered on to you, probably compromising your health in the process.
Set oven to 350 degrees.
You need a mixing bowl (from your stand mixer) into which you put the egg whites.
Crack the eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
Put the egg whites into the mixing bowl.
You need an egg carton for the next step.
Put the egg yolk back into its half shell and put the half shell into the egg carton to keep it upright and ready for use. Do this for all four egg yolks or however many you are using.
Spread butter on the slices of French Bread. We like the bread cut fairly thick because it gives a better base for these egg-creations.
Place one slice of cheese on each slice of bread. Set these aside on a buttered baking sheet.
With an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until they hold their peaks. Don’t over beat because you do not want these egg whites to be dry.
With a large wooden spoon, or other kind of utensil with which you are comfortable, take out about one fourth of the egg white (now a meringue) and mound this on top of the cheese.
Spread the meringue over the bread, butter and cheese to the edges so the bread is covered.
This should look like a small mountain – the middle of the bread and meringue should be higher than the rest.
With the back of your spoon, make an indentation in the center of the meringue so it can hold the egg yolk, making sure your meringue looks beautiful. Imagine how it will look once browned with ivory and brown tinges on the peaks.
Very, very carefully put the egg yolk into the center of the bread in the depression you’ve just made.
Put the baking sheet with the bread, butter, cheese, meringue and egg yolk into the oven and let it cook for about 10-15 minutes. 10 minutes if you like your egg yolk still runny; 15 minutes if you like your egg yolk cooked firm.
When done, put a meringue square on each plate, sprinkle with sea salt and cayenne pepper and serve with either bacon, ham or sausage around the merinque square arranged for maximum beauty.
If you do not like bacon, etc. just omit it. This dish carries itself off just as it is. It is light, very tasty and makes a wonderful breakfast by itself with fresh fruit and a breakfast dessert of some kind.
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