A Response to “Trump and Kelly: Resign”
Thank you for that post. It was quite a history lesson for me. I know some things about this USA, but my education is not nearly complete about racism and all the rest that happened here and I was born here. My friends who moved here from other countries know more than I do about my country’s history.
I think all of this upheaval about the black special forces person who was killed was merely to cover up and distract from what I expect will be unveiled at some time in the future. This allows Trump and his friends time to get something together to cover-up their misdeeds. I think these four young men died because of some shenanigans Trump was ordering the military to do that he should not have and it all went wrong.
I think he is also trying to bring about a massive war in North Korea. Once that war starts you will know that the investigation led by Mueller has reached its conclusion and the results are very awful about Donald Trump and his friends. A major distraction will be needed and I think Trump will bring about that war to distract and to try to remain as president in spite of the investigations’ findings.
It was especially clear, during all of the dust-up, that it was about the black person among the four people killed. There was almost no mention of the three whites. I also wonder what happened that Johnson was found so far away from his compatriots. Did he know something he was about to communicate to his Congresswoman? Once upon a time I would not have suggested anything like that, but having watched Trump over this past year with his conspiracies and racial hatred against Obama and others I have to say it does not seem far fetched.
The first question I heard asked about this was about the entire incident in Niger. Trump answered by turning that question about war specifics into a question he answered that was not asked about his personally calling and writing the families of those who were killed.
The lies about, even the distraction are enormous. As Trump representatives appeared on the television shows they talked about all kinds of things that were not true – I wonder if they checked first or just took the script provided to them and went with it. Do they expect and will they receive awards or did they lie just for the experience of their 15 minutes of fame. One claimed the Congresswoman should not have run to the press with her claims – in fact, the press was waiting for her when the limousine in which she was riding pulled up to claim the body of Johnson. There were many more which I am sure you’ve heard.
Keep up the good work, I will be reading. Maybe I will even send a blog – this certainly expands the mind.
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