A Response to the Melania Trump speech
I’ve read how Melanie Trump – who said the speech she wrote was her own doing and she read over it quickly, one time – feels about this campaign and what she thinks is her coming role as First Lady. It was pretty bad. I didn’t know it was plagiarized, but I did know something was wrong because it just didn’t track with everything else written about the Trumps. The style was not their style.
What utterly shocked me, however, was the comment in the Bettina Blog about Donald Trump’s daughter having married a man who is an Orthodox Jew and having converted to Orthodox Judaism because of her marriage.
That alone would not have been shocking. What I realize I hadn’t even thought about was the connection between Trump’s daughters Orthodox Judaism and Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rants and announcements about how he will close the U. S. borders to Muslims and all those other comments.
Thank you! I read your blog because it does not pull back on the truth. If we know the facts, we can draw our own conclusions. I am totally unhappy with the mainstream media. They seem to need to be nice, rather than truthful. Tell a part of the truth and let their readers guess the rest.
Keep up what you are doing. I especially like the fact that you don’t take sides you have written some blogs on all sides. As soon as I think I have you guys pegged, you come out with something completely opposite to what I have assumed. That is awesome.
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One more Trump Answer to your blog!