A Readers Response
Thank you for what you have written in the Manchurian Administration.
What amazes me is that Jared Kushner let the cat out of the bag early on that there was and would be “collusion” with Russia and Putin when he wanted to set up a “back door” communications channel for Trump and Putin to communicate. And, when he wanted that back door to be immune to U. S. Intelligence Agencies listening and spying on what they had to say or what transpired between Putin and Trump, that just seemed to be Kushner trying to protect Trump from what he had to know would be a price to pay if those Intelligence Agencies could listen to the connection and conversation of those two people.
It seems very far fetched that Kushner would come up with something like that and present his idea to the Russian Ambassador unsolicited or with no reason except coming only from Kushner’s mind.
That is one of the most telling pieces of this saga for me. That had to come to Kushner from trying to carry out his and Trump’s part of this agreement with Russia and Putin so Trump could become president and stay on the good side of Putin. Clearly, to be on Putin’s bad side carries lots of danger.
I have followed this and it seems so clear to me that apparently, the Trump followers and supporters prefer their White Supremacy in all and any of its forms to a democracy. That is a tough trade off but when it is your identity we are talking about people will give their lives to maintain their identity. That is rock bottom who you are and that is not easily changed. Our basic nature endowed identity is the group from which we come. Add to that the next step humans most often take – to declare their group better than any other group and you have all these machinations, killings, spyings, and more to maintain themselves as better than at all cost.
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