A Quick Lunch – Wild Pink Salmon Salad


This is a quick and delicious dish. If this was not COVID-19 time I would say it is perfect for a few friends. It takes almost no time and the results are stunning.

Empty a can of wild salmon into a bowl. You could also bake a wild salmon steak with a little salt and pepper until done to use instead of the canned variety.

Put an onion and three stalks of celery into the food processor and turn it on until they are chopped fine. You could also use a large knife and chop these by hand if you prefer. The food processor gives a smoother salad. The hand chop gives a salad where you can identify all of the ingredients – which adds its own goodness to what you are eating.

Add the onion and celery to the bowl of salmon and add organic mayonnaise to taste.

Add enough salt and cayenne pepper to bring up an even better taste.

Once mixed well, put a leaf from a small head of lettuce on a salad plate. The lettuce leaf should have a nice “bowl” shape.

Put a mound of the salmon salad in the middle of the lettuce leaf.

If you want to continue adding – thinly slice an organic tomato and add the slices around the mound of salmon salad. You could also cut the tomato slices in half to give a different look to the salad.

Add organic crackers around the outside of the lettuce leaf. Garlic Crackers or whatever kind you like will make this wonderful.

You can eat this by scooping a bit of salad onto a cracker. OR – Use a fork to just eat the salad including bits of tomato and lettuce together on the fork.

To spice things up you could add tabasco to the sliced tomatoes and let them sit a moment in the tabasco sauce before placing them around the salad mound.

It is a dish which allows your creative juices to flow and it is delicious to eat, especially since you invested less than 10 minutes into its preparation.

If you used a can of pink salmon this will serve about 4 people – depending upon their appetites and your generosity.

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