A Political Breakfast Conversation
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011
Neither politics nor religion are off-limits at the Bettina breakfast tables. I have tried to report on several, but some I didn’t understand as one or another host family tried to give me a synopsis of breakfast table conversations they thought were particularly interesting.
This one was very relevant and timely and amazing as it hooked so much together. I understand this breakfast lasted until after 1pm and the host family made lunch to keep everybody well fed. They must have been exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. Wonder what happened to all of their plans for the day! A stay at a Bettina Network bed & breakfast can lead to some interesting and unexpected places.
This came about because the subject, at breakfast, changed to closing down the government. A couple was concerned as to what affect it would have on their jobs and if anyone else had the same concerns.
Because a couple people were older, they remembered when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House with designs on becoming President and the national political scene looked very much the way it looks today. He led the threats to close down the government if his/their conditions weren’t met by a certain date. Today, so many years later, the same threats have emerged and ‘voila’ Newt is once again thinking of running for President. The conversation outlined the parallels between then and now and amazement went around the table that so many people are following Newt down that same tired, worn-out road once again.
The result of that was the presidency was lost to the Republicans and the Democrats stepped up to the plate. A few Republicans were elected in the interim time, but the big prize was lost. People were kind of disgusted. We suspect those feelings will or already have returned.
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