A Healthy Very Quick Breakfast
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011
I want to share with you something we have started doing in the morning for breakfast when we have a guest who doesn’t have time for a sit-down meal, wants something healthy to keep him/her going during the day and is concerned about keeping healthy and ‘regular’ during their time away from home.
I will call this – the Bettina Smoothie:
For three glass of smoothie we put the following into a blender – if you follow the order we give, you will find the blender works without your having to go in and stir the ingredients while blending.
one glass goats milk kefir (raw and organic, if possible – if not, as close as you can come)
notice we don’t use cow’s milk here and we use kefir instead of ordinary milk. That is our probiotic and guests really appreciate the difference.
2 organic bananas – if you are making only one or two glasses, then use one organic banana instead of 2.
The other ingredients don’t change for one or two glasses. Actually, we don’t know how to make one glass because someone always shows up for the second glass and its easier to have it ready than to make another. they seem to sense the blender going and will have a Bettina Smoothie and then sit down to a full course breakfast.
one package organic frozen fruit – ie blueberries – blackberries – strawberries – pineapple. Use whatever frozen organic fruit you have or the guest particularly likes. We have a couple guests who have to be at meetings by 7am. They have come often enough to expect the smoothie and put in their request for the fruit they feel like eating the night before.
A little organic maple syrup, or organic turbinado sugar. Use sparingly because you only want a tiny taste.
Pour into elegant, crystal stem glasses and serve with linen or brocade napkins, for that “Bettina” touch.
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