A Guests’ Email re Stock Tips

“Thanks for putting up the blog on stock tips. Otherwise I would not have written this one. Didn’t think it was anything of interest to your blog readers.

At breakfast at a Bettina home we had a great conversation about the stock market and the tip I picked up was SIRI – Sirius Radio. The general consensus was that SIRI would be a great stock to own over August-September. I hope so because I bought some at $ .425 and am hoping for a quick double. I did a lot of work researching before I bought it and found it had moved from about 16 cents to over 40 cents in a few months. My concern is that it is below the $1.00 requirement of the board so it is a bit risky if it doesn’t make that nice move. I also discovered that the board voted to do a reverse split only I don’t know who would decide if that vote should be implemented.
I put in money I could lose so I wouldn’t suggest anyone follow my actions with their serious money.
Breakfast in the Bettina home where I stayed was a great experience. It reminded me of the way private men’s clubs – which I used to belong to – functioned at mealtime. In this home it was roughly equivalent to the “open table” where members would sit if they were alone at mealtime at the club. More deals were made at the open table than I could reiterate in a month of Sundays.
Thanks for such a great concept in a way to travel.
A devoted guest who will return.
correspondence dated 7/4/2009

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Fresh, Healthy-Looking Eyes

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Your Credit Card and their ‘Rewards"

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Creole Breakfast Cake

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Darwin’s Ltd. (A Review)

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