A Great Web Site for Those Who Cook!
Passed around over breakfast was the web site www.ChefTalk.com.
We checked it out and it is great!!!! It claims to be “a food lover’s link to professional chefs and indeed it is.
Ask your questions and get many answers in record time. There is a section of articles. A Forum. Reviews and more. My first greeting from the site was an article on “DeConstructing Turkey Gravy.” The title made the article too tempting to skip over.
I have been threatening to make sausage and don’t have a clue. All the sausage I know about comes in some animals gut and is wrapped in plastic. I redeem myself by buying only the sausages labeled “organic”, but I still don’t feel good about the purchases so the series of back and forth question and answer on this site is really excellent for someone with very little knowledge. The site graduates from the rank beginner to the professional chef. It was nice being in such diverse company.
There are the serious/funny question and answers – like the most recent on saffron started by someone who knew nothing about saffron, but was questioning which was the very best. Whoever this was wanted to cook with saffron, but didn’t know how it tasted, how to use it in anything, but was going for the top of the line. I couldn’t help but be amused to think a cook someplace was going to start trial and error with saffron which costs – probably more than gold, instead of experimenting first and improving the ingredient when experience took over.
You won’t regret taking a look at this web site – if you enjoy cooking, talking about cooking, looking at pictures about cooking from a place which is a substantial learning center.
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