A Great Job Possibility

Follow the link below and it describes the job at Trinity Church Copley Square in Boston. A possible career path which should be interesting, stretch your boundaries, fun, challenging and life changing.


Trinity Church is a thriving Christian community in the heart of Boston’s Back Bay, and a member parish of the American Episcopal Church. Housed in a grand and historic building consistently ranked as one of America’s most significant architectural landmarks, we are also a parish family drawing members from Boston and much of eastern Massachusetts. In our common worship and shared ministries we seek to encounter the holy together and stand as a visible witness of God’s love for the world. Trinity’s operating budget is approximately $5.7 million, and its foundation for outreach and social justice has an operating budget of $2.5 million. Some significant statistics about the church indicate the scope of operations: average Sunday attendance at worship is approximately 900; approximately 850 households make annual pledges; 70,000 people visit the building annually as tourists; there are five ordained clergy, and 61 staff members of the church, and another 21 employees of the foundation (which has its own management, human resources, operations, and development staff.)

The Senior Parish Administrator is a new position, designated as temporary for a two-year term, with possible conversion to permanent status being mutually determined prior to the conclusion of the term. Reporting directly to the Rector, the Senior Parish Administrator will be responsible for enhancing the internal organization processes and infrastructure that will allow Trinity Church to continue to grow and fulfill its mission. The Senior Parish Administrator will be a peer to and serve on the senior leadership team of the church, which includes the clergy, the director of communications and the executive director of the Trinity Boston Foundation. The Senior Parish Administrator will also have three direct reports, the Director of Finance and Human Resources, the Director of Stewardship, and the Director of Facilities and ten indirect reports.


  1. Strategic Implementation: Although the Rector and the Senior Leadership Team together shape the strategic direction of the church, the Senior Parish Administrator will support and hold the team accountable for implementation. This includes assisting with management of weekly meetings, quarterly goal-setting process, and semi-annual calendaring sessions. Working with the Director of Finance and Human Resources, manage the annual budgeting process so that all budget recommendations align with organizational strategy and priorities.
  2. Human Resources: Working with the Director of Finance and Human Resources, manage and oversee recruitment, hiring and compensation, benefits administration and oversight, professional training and development including new employee orientation, retention strategies, regulatory oversight and legal compliance, personnel policies and annual review processes. Build and support staff culture and connection with regular meetings and communication including crisis management.
  3. Finance: Working with the Director of Finance and Human Resources, provide financial oversight and monitoring of business policies and accounting practices, reporting and analysis. The Senior Parish Administrator will pay particular attention to the financial implications of an upcoming capital campaign and building renovation projects.
  4. Fundraising and Capital Campaign: Working with the Director of Stewardship and the Rector, ensure that policies and protocols are in place and are adhered to as the church undertakes both its regular annual fundraising and a major capital campaign. Ensure strong communication and collaboration among finance, facilities and stewardship teams throughout the campaign.
  5. Infrastructure: Working with the Director of Facilities and the Clergy, oversee the care, management and use of Trinity’s three buildings by internal and external groups to assure compliance with applicable regulations and with church program priorities. Ensure strong oversight and inter-office and inter-vendor communications during building renovation projects. In addition, working with the Directors of Facilities and Finance, ensure that the church’s information technology, telecommunications and data management systems are adequate for the staff to perform its work expediently and securely, particularly in the areas of finance, membership, and program planning.


Trinity Church seeks a mission-driven administrator with 7+ years of experience. The successful candidate will have demonstrated experience in managing projects and teams, with strict attention to detail and deadlines; outstanding interpersonal and communication skills; a high degree of self-reliance and initiative; an analytical mind; the ability to create and manage to a budget, including P&L analysis; experience leading an organization through periods of significant growth preferred, as is experience in management of non-profit and/or church organizations. Proficiency in Microsoft Office is required and strong Excel skills preferred. A Bachelor’s degree is required; an MBA or MPA is preferred.

How to apply

To submit your application, please visit this link:


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. No phone calls or hard copies, please.


206 Clarendon Street, Copley Square, Boston, MA, 02116, US


Application deadline
July 20, 2014
Education requirements
Employment type
Full time
Professional level
Job function
Owner’s areas of focus

Please pass this along to whoever you know who might be interested and qualified.


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