A Fantastic Diet for Good Health!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
We have discovered, through many conversations with guests, an incredible diet to end all diets. We have put this together as we gleaned information a little at a time and experimented to make sure this is workable.
It does work for a couple of us, but we aren’t guaranteeing, advising, or anything else, just reporting on what we’ve observed and experienced.
We started to hear about limes when a guest from India talked about her need to have limes in the afternoon because it was advised by her nutritionist who she absolutely trusted. So we found a source for organic limes for her and every afternoon she would squeeze four limes into a cup and drink the juice.
We knew about having an organic lemon squeezed into a cup of warm water and drinking that first thing in the morning to get your day started on the right foot and your body regulated – through a regular morning trip to the bathroom. We didn’t know anything about limes except for the jokes about the English ‘Limeys’.
Later came others who looked for lemons and limes – never organic – but we added that to what they were doing and suggested that might be a better way than just ordinary limes and lemons that you didn’t know what was sprayed, dug into the dirt, washed into the fruit and that would show up in later years affecting your health in bad ways. And they would thank us, take their lemons and limes in various ways and on different time tables to be able to travel and live without a sluggishness which brought them to their regimen with the lemons and limes in the first place.
We began to notice something amazing as we tried to do the same thing – varying it with every guests’ different usage to test for ourselves.
As we tried all these different regimens and combinations of ways to use lemons and limes, we found our weight dropping even when nothing else in our diet or lifestyle changed. We even had one guest use a lemon to rub on his face in the mornings after shaving. He was cute! We noticed it when he came to breakfast with a couple lemon bits still on his skin. When we asked what he’d been doing with the lemons – after an initial embarrassment he admitted to using one lemon each morning to smooth over his face to deal with any cuts or etc. that he might accumulate. Another guest used cut lemons to rub on her elbows and knees. And there were more! It has been a great learning for us!!!
What we have taken from all of these possibilities:
First thing in the morning, we have a lemon or lime with the juice squeezed and put into a half-cup of warm water.
Throughout the day we also have lemon or lime juice – organic, of course, – and at very particular times, which we feel is the secret to this ‘diet’.
When we come in from meetings, shopping, working in the garden, doing whatever that has made us ravenously hungry and pushes us to reach for any and everything we can to satisfy that hunger .- Instead of reaching for those 5 cookies, ice cream, instant whatever that can quench the thirst and hunger, we stop, have one lemon or lime squeezed into a half-glass of warm water and our hunger and thirst is satiated enough that we can think before we reach for those diet disasters and health saboteurs. We have the time and space to work through putting together a substantial, organic meal or snack before we move on to the next thing.
What we’ve found – not only is our hunger satisfied with that half-cup of freshly squeezed organic juice with warm water – but our energy is revived and we are ready to continue our day.
I’ve found that two or three such lemon/lime pick-me-ups during the day satisfies my needs, but it also has me losing weight. Not because I am dieting, but because when I have gone longer than I should have without eating, my hunger and thirst don’t lead me to poor choices. It gives me space to think through what it is I need to eat and time to prepare whatever my choice. I also look better. Somehow, there is a shining through from this regimen that is fantastic. No make-up could do for me what is done to me by those half-cups of juice and warm water. I use half-cups because it is so sour that is all I can get down at one time. And no, I don’t want to use those ‘helpers’ that make lemons taste like sugary confections. Over time, I am becoming more accustomed to the sour taste and my sugar tastes are becoming intolerable of that really sweet stuff. Before this, nothing was too sweet for me and I could never pass a cookie without picking one or two or three up and carrying them away with me.
A couple other friends, who have tried the same thing, have come back looking better, feeling better and are proselytizing their friends in this new way of taking care of their body’s nutritional needs and staying off the bad stuff.
One organic lemon or lime squeezed using a glass juicer – you know the kind, – non-electric, manual labor needed – with 1/2 cup warm water added and off you go to a new life.
If you have a difficult time finding a glass lemon juicer – we found this one and many more at www.laurelleaffarm.com/pages/kitchen&table/antique-glass-reamer-1909-patent.htm
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