A Donald Trump Reality Show? With more segments to come?

Well, the excitement continues!  The reality show has a new segment being played to distract – discourage – get more people involved in the “Trump, the Illegitimate President” show being produced for the American voting public.

It should not be amazing to see the bomb threats the day after Trump declared he was a “Nationalist”. That looked to me to be a message to those who were ready to start the fireworks to make sure the Midterm Voting would go as Trump wanted it to go.  I expected something like this when I heard Trump’s declaration of being a Nationalist.  He promised fireworks close to the Midterm Voting time.  Come to think of it, so did the ex-Mayor.  Sorry I can’t replay their television appearances, but I am sure you remember their comments.  They were striking.

This parallels the statement Trump made during the Presidential Campaign of 2016 – I am sure you remember that?  He asked Vladimir Putin to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails for him.  And the very next day Putin did just that.

It is not possible to 1) find the ingredients needed 2) make the bombs 3) deliver them to appear in the headlines the day after Trump’s declaration of his white “Nationalism” without some prior knowledge and planning to make those two things coordinate in time.

Yesterday he announces he is a “Nationalist” – who was he giving the go ahead sign to?  From Steve Bannon’s reaction, I think one might ask him. Today, the bombs appeared in many places at once.

Every day it becomes clearer that the time Trump spent reading Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” which he kept by his bedside according to the divorce accusations that went back and forth during his divorce from Ivana Trump, is now paying off for him.  This is the kind of thing Hitler and his Troopers did as he rose to control in Germany.

It is time for Trump’s friends to take a stand.  All of those who claimed to be Trump’s close friends and are collecting many dollars from sports fans to support the teams they own and control – you need to come forward to state where you stand on all of this.  You are, after all, making multi-millions off those who vote.  Are you backing Trump?  Do you support him and those he supports?  All his other friends who have backed him – you also need to come forward and declare where you stand in all of this.  We are beyond just supporting a candidate or a candidates choices for other offices – this is an entirely other thing.

It seems clear to me that this is a campaign tactic of Donald Trump himself.  It has done two things – one knocked the Khashoggi murder off the front pages and two possibly collected payment, in kind, from those who conspired to have Khashoggi killed with the support of Trump, which he todate has given,  in return for these murderous tactics close to the United States elections.

You can call it a conspiracy theory if you need to do that.  After all, we lived for years with Trump’s conspiracy theory that Obama was not a legitimate president.

Clearly, Trump is the one who is not a legitimate president of these United States.  He ran for president to destroy the country and deliver it to his fascist friends who in turn would support him as the puppet president of these United States under the control of and with the cooperation of his new friends.


Ed. Note:  From the response we are getting to what is happening with the bombs, every single one believed that Donald Trump either orchestrated or knew about this bomb scare plan and when he made his comments about being a “Nationalist” gave the go ahead to the scare tactics that will happen from now under the midterms.  Most conjectured that this was the beginning of the set-up to make sure Trump would have reasons to “take over” this country as its fascist dictator and refuse to accept the results of this midterm election.

For most, they felt their conjecture was real when they saw Donald Trump’s demeanor at the rally which happened the evening of the day the bombs appeared.  That was to gauge the audience reaction to this bomb scare to decide what happens into the near future with such events.  The conjectures were that the violence would escalate in this attempt to put Trump in the position of a despot in total control of these United States before the midterms take away that possibility.

We are still reeling from what we are hearing about Donald Trump’s possible involvement.  We knew he was disliked by many, but did not realize the depth of those feelings.


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