A Bettina Moving Sale!




An Exciting Event Always

6 Gray Circle – Arlington, MA. 02476                                                           Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 10am-4pm


All Bettina Network Sales accept cash, checks, credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club).

There is a Bettina Network Game of Skill with this moving sale.  See the rules of the game at the end of this blog post.

We are working with this family to help move their 92 year old father to assisted living. He has lived in this home for 60 plus years.

He and/or his daughter will be at the sale to talk with anyone who wants to know some history of what they are purchasing.

Always look for the Bettina Flag waving in the breeze to know you are in the right place.

Always look for the Bettina Flag waving in the breeze to know you are in the right place.

You will find a collection of many different things including: tools which are ancient; sleighs for enjoying winter on a small hill and more.

We will have a pot of organic Bob Marley coffee – this time, featuring “One Love” – for those who would like to spend a few minutes getting into the history of the items in this home and a kitchen table where you can talk comfortably.

This is a great opportunity to buy something and get to know its provenance and/or to begin to put together a provenance for whatever you purchase.

Take part in a game of skill for a beautiful hand-made porcelain village. For only $3 you could take home this village which appraises at $130.00) . All you have to do is write the winning essay on what you would do with such a village. Beautifully made by the mother of this family who died in 1977 and before that, she made several very lovely porcelain pieces. This village, with many houses could be a Christmas village, a Swiss village tucked into a snowy place, houses around or on the side of a train set to enhance the train set-up, or – what are your ideas? The winning essay will be chosen by three independent judges.


beautiful lace curtains for the window that needs a life.

beautiful lace curtains for the window that needs a life.

Lovely candle holder and sun figure for over the fireplace or anyplace else you choose.

Lovely candle holder and sun figure for over the fireplace or anyplace else you choose.

What a lovely stand to hold your very valuable collection of small items.

What a lovely stand to hold your very valuable collection of small items.

Multi-million dollar items have provenances, but so does that lamp you like; the sofa that attracts your attention; the dining room table and chairs which are beautifully made. Don’t cheat your family’s history. When you buy for your home and your estate make sure you have as much information about the items you purchase as possible – no matter how small. You never know what you buy today will be worth tomorrow. Be Prepared.

Very comfortable chair for the desk or computer table with a small handmade table to hold your coffee and sandwich.

Very comfortable chair for the desk or computer table with a small handmade table to hold your coffee and sandwich.

All of our invoices – which you take home – have a short story on the back telling you a bit about the family and circumstances of the items you purchase.


be a part of helping to bring closure to someone who has enjoyed the items you are purchasing. It is nice to know where the items you cherished over your lifetime are going to reside in the future. Of course, that means, if the owner doesn’t like you, we can’t sell you the items you may like and want to buy, no matter how much you are willing to pay. 2015-07-10 13.56.04 2015-07-10 13.56.34 2015-07-10 13.59.25 2015-07-10 13.59.33 2015-07-10 14.00.30 2015-07-10 14.01.40 2015-07-10 14.05.26 2015-07-10 14.06.49 2015-07-10 14.07.55

A Game of Skill*

*The Bettina Network, inc.’s Estate Sale Game of Skill (copyright 2015)

Rules of the Game

The prize for the winner of this test of skill is the hand-made porcelain village with lights. 

The winner will have written the two paragraphs suggesting a use for this village and the winning essay will be the one with the most imaginative suggestion. 

The Game of Skill will begin at 10am on Saturday July 18th and end at 4pm on Saturday, July 18th. All who visit the estate sale at 6 Gray Circle, Arlington, MA. are eligible to enter. 

The primary consideration in judging the essay will be IMAGINATION - not the English, nor how well or poorly written is the essay. There will be nothing subtracted from the writers score for poor spelling, or poorly constructed sentences. 

The cost to enter is $3.00 per entry. One can enter as many times as you have individual essays at $3.00 per entry. There is no lower limit to the number of essays nor is there a limit to themost number of essays that will be accepted. If only one essay is submitted Bettina Network,incwill backstop the cost of the village to the Santora family to the maximum amount of $95.00 

You can use the kitchen table on which to write your essay. 

Three people - independent judges - will judge the winning essay and the winner will be notified on Sunday May 19, 2015 that they can pick up their newly acquired village. 

The Judges are - Ms. Trudi Van Slyck, co-founder of the New School of Music 
                 Mr. Eric Huenneke, organist, First Parish Church in Concord, MA. 
                 Ms. Judy Huenneke, Mary Baker Eddy Library, Archivist. 

Any complaints, disagreements, etc. with the Game of Skill will be settled by Marceline Donaldson. May 18, 2015


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