A Beauty Treatment for the Ages
I have been so tired of spending obscene amounts of money on beauty products which don’t work. I decided to work with a friend and explore what alternative food/real things would do without the boost from chemicals and other additives which I think do more harm to your skin and health than good.
Alicia Keyes gave us a boost when she announced she was finished with makeup/lipstick, etc. If she can do it where her livelihood is partially determined by her looks then we can experiment where our looks are totally irrelevant to our lives.
We’ve seen and read other articles on this Bettina Network’s Blog about how others stay fresh looking for a lifetime. We took that advice to heart, but decided we wanted to explore something in addition.
First – we gave up lipstick. That didn’t work too well because we wound up with seriously chapped lips.
We cleaned our faces of all makeup and we were ready to start with notebook in hand.
Second – we tried liquid vitamin C. The kind you buy in what looks like an orange milk container. After rinsing our faces by splashing warm water 10 times (picked up from this blog), we poured a bit of liquid vitamin C into our cupped hands and gave our faces the once over by rubbing the liquid C into our skin. This might also make a great overall massage medium, but we weren’t ready to go there yet.
We let the vitamin C stay on our skin as we went about our morning chores.
About noon, when we had to go on errands outside of the house, we rinsed off the vitamin C, looked in the mirror and were delighted with the results.
But – being encouraged with that success, we were only egged on to try more. Maybe we could drop some 30 years off our face. It is worth a try.
Third – while the vitamin C was great, we needed something in addition like an oil to give our faces a finish. We turned to the blog written by Marceline who gave out her deepest secrets and thought we would try the vitamin A – E thing. We weren’t yet ready to try adding her dry milk thing.
The next morning when we met for our next step beauty treatment we rinsed our faces again with very warm water splashing it on from cupped hands for what is now a requisite 10 times. We decided not to wipe our faces dry with a towel, but to let the water evaporate.
Once dry we re-did the liquid vitamin C pouring it into our cupped hands and massaging it into our skin and we included around our eyes – although we were kind of scared about doing that, but what the —-.
After about half an hour we rinsed off the liquid vitamin C and clipped a vitamin A capsule (actually it took two capsules to cover our faces and each was 10,000) gave ourselves a careful facial massage, especially paying attention to our eye lids and under the eye because we decided that just might help our eyesight, having discovered the possibility of an eye stroke as you grow older.
After rubbing in the vitamin A we clipped a vitamin E capsule and rubbed that into our facial skin over the vitamin A and off we went for the day.
Needless to say we looked rather “oily” because we did nothing to mitigate the oily look that created.
We decided we really needed to do something about that oily look because it was not the best so I rinsed by face with the cupped hands and at least 10 times splashing warm water on my skin while my co-experimenter put dry milk in her cupped hands and wiped that all over her face. To say she looked ridiculous and would not let me take a picture is an understatement.
She continued to rub the dry milk into her skin and finally wiped most of it off with a towel finally reaching the point of having beautiful looking skin. My look had also become really beautiful. Don’t know how to describe the look. It was not oily, but it had a healthy, lots of outside walking and exercise look. My friends look was different. Her skin looked very matte, non-oily, really fantastic. My look was more casual and sporty, hers more formal and elegant.
We have a couple more ideas, but will write more as we try them. So far, we are batting 1,000 and for very little bits of money.
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This contribution is to the Bettina Network Foundation, inc. which is a 501(c)3 organization and tax deductible.
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
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TRUMP: An Analysis