Darwin’s Ltd. (A Review)
2010 copyright The Bettina Network, inc.
148 Mount Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA. 02138
617 354 5233
hours: 6:30am – 9pm six days/week
sundays: 7am – 9pm
A really Cambridge-style grocery, deli, wine-cheese-beer store, with tables for those who want to visit and eat and enjoy this neighborhood gathering place. It is a magnet for those who want a Harvard Square experience they can go home and talk about.
Darwin’s on Mount Auburn Street, while being Cambridge, has an underlying New York tone, which makes it a little more upscale.
What we liked best about Darwin’s was the picnic basket you could order and take with you wherever you wanted to go. Not many of us can find such when traveling, especially a picnic with good food.
Second were the sandwiches! They are incredible. Buy one and have lunch and dinner, just ask them to cut it in half and wrap the second half for take-out.
The ambiance drew us in – it is great – would the food keep us there and make us want to return. Well, we were at Darwin’s two or three times in so many days. Whenever we were there, someone always came in who we knew and we wound up with a table for four instead of the two of us who first wandered in wondering if the food would live up to the promise of the environment.
Our table mates bought a very nice bottle of wine, shared it and took what was left home with them.
There are enough teas at Darwin’s to satisfy anyone and you can order a pot to just sit and savor. And as for Bettina’s, they would approve because a full third of the teas are organic.
If you want lunch, you have to go early. Darwin’s is a popular place. At lunchtime you will find a line which curls around, sometimes going outside as people come in for lunch from all around the area. That tells you about Darwin’s reputation.
We particularly liked the soup. It was a cold day and we weren’t sure what we wanted, but when we saw the soups, we knew that would be our late lunch. We also liked the pastries and brought some back with us for another day.
Darwin’s had several kinds of beer, but not being connoisseurs, we can’t comment pro or con.
There were people reading newspapers, visiting with friends, some were sitting on the bench outside Darwin’s eating – because smoking is not allowed inside – and it was cold outside, but they didn’t seem to even notice as they gestured-laughed-and generally enjoyed themselves on a cold Cambridge day eating on Mount Auburn Street.
We very much recommend Darwin’s and hope you enjoy whatever you eat there.
Editor’s Note: Steve and Isabel Darwin’s parents stayed at one of the Bettina homes in Harvard Square when they visited Cambridge to help their children get the store ready for its opening. Their parents are in the same business so the Darwin children had good consulting experience, which they used for the opening and beyond.
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