Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
“Thanks for your blog. I ‘ve found this great combination and want to share it with your readers!
I’ve been using Coconut Oil as a massage oil for quite some time. I started when the research started to come out that Coconut Oil had been given a bad rap. It would be interesting to know who sabotaged the reputation of a really great health-giving oil. You can use it as a cosmetic, to cook with (great for those who can’t have dairy), and for many other uses.
There are claims that coconut oil helps Alzheimer’s. I don’t know if that is true or not, but I always rub coconut oil vigorously into my scalp after I shower and wash my hair. It makes my hair look fantastic. But then I have naturally curly hair. For those of you with naturally straight hair – you unfortunate few – I would think if you massaged it into your scalp before you washed your hair (at night before you go to bed) and then wash it out when you bathe or shower in the mornings before going out it should work wonders for you too.
Being sold on the benefits of coconut oil, you can imaging how excited I was to discover the good benefits I found from combining aloe vera gel and coconut oil.
I give myself a massage with aloe vera gel – you could do the same with the juice or the whole plant, both are available in organic food stores. And, make sure you get the organic kind. You don’t want to massage anything into your skin, showing up in your blood stream, which has ingredients in it you can’t pronounce.
After the aloe vera gel massage I give myself another massage with coconut oil. I don’t know what it does, but the results make me look quite stunning and well rested. I know it isn’t harming me or giving me a temporary fix so I heartily recommend the combination. You can especially see what this combination does when you use it on your face. Your face needs much more attention because it is exposed constantly – this has helped me tremendously – it also helps me in the energy department.
P. S. I haven’t used the Bettina Network for bed and breakfast yet, but I am going to call you for my next trip. Thanks again for this blog I like the way you will present many different views. You must have all kinds of people staying in your homes – it is so rare to find a place which gives exposure to all instead of one small point of view. You would never succeed running for Congress.”
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