Our Blog is a conglomeration of conversations which took place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network home. We cover a wide range of topics.
As members of the Bettina Network Community send us information they would like disseminated to a large audience, or something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you - it will go immediately to Bettina Network's Blog.
Donald Trump – a summary from decades of experience!
“We spent the day watching the Trump Campaign – hearing the media stories leading up to it and the Donald J. Trump rally itself at Madison Square Garden. It was an amazing time. At the end of the day we felt as though we needed a thorough cleansing because what we saw and heard was…
Reviews on the Financial Channel – CNBC
A morning review from Wolfe Research was unbelievable. Mostly, however, we take such reviews as people having credibility because the company for which they work does such hard work to come up with the results. This morning, the reviewer talking about what he sees in the coming U. S. presidential election. He talked about what…
What is this Migrant/Immigrant thing about – complete/ with conspiracy theories and lies?
Every place you go where you see or hear anything about this 2024 presidential race one hears negatives about immigrants. Where is this coming from? Listening to all of the media and the people involved it is coming from Donald Trump and his supporters and the leaders of this MAGA movement. Why? Whenever you have…
Attacks on Trump – Really?
Another claimed assassination attempt on Donald Trump just happened while he was playing golf at his golf course. The calls have started for more security. We expect much more will surface as we suffer through yet another preventable horribleness. We hope you realize if you join in the conversation with demands for more security to…
FROM: Bettina Network, inc. Finance Area
The U. S. Stock Market has been giving signals over the past few days and this morning it actually looks as though it is tanking. Some things are too coincidental about this “tanking” to ignore: 2. It has been crystal clear that large corporate interests have thrown their weight behind Donald Trump who looks close…
The Presidential Race and the Maintenance or Destruction of Bigotry!
Totally at stake, as the race for president of the United States moves ahead, is the continuation, renewal, intensifying, creation of a more intense and practically indestructible form of bigotry. That becomes clearer as the race moves along. As we look at the Republican National Conference, we see the “circling of the wagons”; the pulling…
The Trump/Biden Debate exposing everyone!
It was quite unbelievable. No – not the debate, but the aftermath and all of the talking heads showing their lack of decent ethics, understanding and etc. and etc. Joe Biden took on this debate in spite of having a cold. I have not heard anyone talk about that. It is a miserable time dealing…
An Interpretation of the Stock Market for today!
Special to Bettina Network Journal, inc.– May 31, 2024 It is amazing to “trade the market.” If you are an investor you have reached the wrong place. We are traders and probably don’t know what we are doing, but as long as we increase our money – what difference does it make? The bottom line…
TRUMP and the ETHICS of the American Billionaire Class
It is quite something to have seen Donald Trump move from the spoiled child of a millionaire construction family to president of the United States. The one thing that has been consistent has been hisunbelievably bad ethical base which sinks so low it becomes hard to take in his life story and actually believe that…
Bettina Network, inc. talks stock market and other interesting items!
We are moving fast with our “comeback”. As those who know “Bettina Network, inc.” you know the problems we have had over the years since 2008. That is the year we discovered three guys, who stayed with us on their way from the east to the west had the ugliness to take everything we had…