The Manchurian U. S. Administration (cont’d)
President Trump has made it clear, on a daily basis, for all of us to see and learn from – one can live in a bigoted society and get feel goods from puffing yourself up to believe you are better than or you can live in a democracy – your choice. You cannot, however, have both.
My guess is that Donald Trump has made a deal with Putin and Russia – he becomes U. S. President and helps Putin carry out his goals for these United States; Putin gets behind his candidacy and does everything possible to make that happen; and in return the “Don” gets his Trump Tower in Moscow at the end of his term(s) as president.
What does the “Don” have to do? Take down U. S. sanctions against Russia; promote Putin as this wonderful leader and one we should befriend; carry out whatever side actions Putin lets the “Don” know are in Putin’s best interest and which he needs the U. S. to do immediately; and say nothing untoward – negative – or demeaning against Putin or Russia.
From where I sit, Trump is doing an incredible job of following through with his part of this apparent deal with Putin and is doing everything he can to turn the United States into a very autocratic, authoritarian, mean-spirited country. He is following in the foot steps of the worse autocrats in history. He is at the beginnings of that process, but he is moving quite fast and has accomplished much.
He has just moved a woman into the position of head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Isn’t it wonderful that for the first time a woman has headed that agency. However, on the other hand she is the one who headed turning a part of the Intelligence Agency into a very murderous, torture chamber for no good reason since it has been known for some time that torture does not get the results expected.
All of the laws which guaranteed a democracy are either being reversed or other laws are being added which make this a very ugly, fascist country. The worst of our history is being replayed in the immigrant area. We have been through refusing entry into this country of Chinese. After the Chinese sweat blood and gave their lives to build at great cost to themselves and their families – our railway system and other low level, dangerous jobs they were forced to take to survive. The Irish went through a horrible time complete with “No Irish need Apply”, amongst other denigrations and demeaning and horrifying times, some of which still exist today. And on and on and on until you come to slavery of Africans. I have to add Africans here because we do still engage in enslaving women in this country.
The ethics and moral values which so many families try so hard to pass along to their children have been short circuited by Mr. Trump and his administrations’ examples. One can see the hand of one of Mr. Trump’s mentors – Roy Cohen – who in spite of being dead, still lives. Lessons the “Don” learned include the biggy – don’t ever admit failure. If you have tried something and it fails, claim it as a great success, speak about your successes loudly so that people hearing will be swayed to actually think of where you failed as being a place where you actually were great. I think Mr. Trump has forgotten as he lives out these lessons learned at Mr. Cohen’s knee that Roy Cohen died broke, friendless and living in squalid circumstances.
Mr. Trump seems to revel in his being president as the return of the “Alpha Male” – who is always at the top of society along with a few males not quite as great but walking with him as they make changes to the society in which they increasingly control everything. As he moves along in his presidency along with his administration and the criminal enterprise we call the RNC, it is clear that they share some common beliefs: 1) the world’s rules, which must be obeyed, are those which keep men – white, Northern European ancestry men – firmly in control. 2) the women you select be careful to insure that they have been brain washed and are trying to and need to be better than when in actuality they serve the purpose of screwing men for the man’s enjoyment and are painfully screwed by the men for the man’s advancement. 3) Maintain the male god who is the keeper of this culture and of the rules by which we all live – rules which are there to keep men firmly in control. The rules of the world have clearly developed to insure the total control of white, Northern European ancestry men over all. 4) Keep a watchful eye to make sure the developments and perceived advancements of science, religion, business, art are all led by and attributed to those same men. Where it looks as though that is slipping, keep the young and the greedy roaming around to steal the advancements, ideas, vision of those non-white peoples. Even some who look like friends – Al Gore claiming he was responsible for the internet when in fact that was a woman; Madam C. J. Walker who invented an incredibly profitable marketing system which she used to market hair products for African women and that marketing system’s invention and development were credited to men; and on and on it goes.
Where is the hope in all of this? Is there any light breaking into this world as it seems to be spiraling down into the depths of hell? Especially since Donald Trump could not have done all of this alone. There was a lot of history which preceded his presidency and a lot of people tuned into what he is doing and wants to do in the future. Some of those people are ones who would be demeaned and destroyed if what they were working towards were to succeed and become a part of the structure of this world – these people seem totally oblivious to the fact that the success of their efforts will fall hardest onto them.
All is not yet lost, however. We see light breaking in with the children – During the Galilean ministry, Jesus’ disciples came saying ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And Jesus called a child and set the child in the midst of them and said, “Verily I say unto you, except you be converted and become as children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore humbles themselves as this child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And who shall receive one such child in my name receives me. But who shall offend one of these it is better that millstones hang around their necks and drowns them in the depth of the sea.
However, that light is being mitigated by the darkness we see spreading as the rich become richer and the poor become desperate. Especially as the rich see the poor as being poor because of some kind of moral deficiency when the moral deficiency is that of the billionaires whose greed keeps them from seeing clearly. We move further apart as the riches of the world become more unevenly distributed, especially since it is not possible for one person to legitimately be worth billions while others live on the street. That is happening to our world and it is reflected in our politics. We want to insure that this trend continues because many of the poor are joining with the rich in bringing this about because they expect one day to be rich themselves and they want the kind of world that will shore them up and be prejudiced in their favor when their ship of gold comes in.
The work of the world is to take seriously Isaiah and all the other scripture writings that say in essence –
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
and a child shall lead them.”
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