Jessye Norman – A Christmas Story!

Ms. Norman lost her life – this is what we lost!

What happens to African American women? You say it is “accidental” – we say it is institutional racism, so embedded in this society we accept and don’t even know what has happened to most of our best and greatest talents. We just go on with our lives as though this had nothing to do with us. Us who? Us white, blacks, latina’s, LGBTQ, trans, Asians, American Indians and the list goes on of those who have been destroyed.

She went to the hospital in England following this concert in an attempt to control the pain she was in. She never walked or sang again. This is the last time we heard her voice and who lost? She spent the last four years of her life in misery – not able to enjoy her own home, but had to live in an apartment in New York because of this surgery.

So much goes on in this world which we accept and move on. Mostly, we live in ignorance. It is time for that to stop and constant action against such needs to be the way of the world. It is the only way we will find peace and live in a world full of God’s love. She and her talent were a true gift of God to this world. The loss of that gift, her talent, and her right to a better end to her life was done by man’s inhumanity to man, by greed and so much more negativity which we accept and justify when the denials come with fortunes spent to justify the denial and continue their right to practice bigotry, inflict pain, the ugliness, destroy beauty and continue on.

There was no attempt to make Jessye Norman whole – the effort, money, time was spent in the denial – self-justification and so much more creating a painful end to her life and the continuation of attempting to attain justice for Jessie by her family.

What a different ending this could have been. Reach out to make whole the person or persons or group you attempted to use as a stepping stone to your own better fortune. That has not happened here and almost never happens in our society which is busy creating billionaires who use their billions to destroy the life, love, happiness, wholesome lifestyle of the many.

God forgive!

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