SCES now trying for Guardianship over Rev. Dr. Bennett

They don’t want financial oversight, but they do want to be able to “spend down funds” to pay for Rev. Dr. Bennett’s care. Where do these people come from? They also want the Court to give them the right to give Dr. Bennett anti-psychotic medicine. Doctors have given up their rights to prescribe to the Court? Or is this what happens when there is no diagnosis and the lawyers and others want to medicate patients. Their arrogance is overwhelming to come out of the blue to take over your life when they are incompetent, lie extensively, and so much more. How does one move to ask that an attorney be disbarred and others be removed and the organization be investigated with its management totally replaced or the organization disbanded with some other way of doing what it was supposed to do, but found too many personal conflicts?

 This was sent to the TRIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS          

Why are we making this public? Because we have found too many “secrets” and “under the table dealings” and “Court hearings with only one side knowing of the hearing in spite of a law saying otherwise” and hearing “there are exceptions” – hearing one side of a request where a person’s freedom is at stake should not qualify as an exception. We have also discovered that Health Care Proxy’s are not worth the paper on which they are written. They are invalidated and another put in its place if the persons involved are not as malleable as they should be to rip offs of assets over which people are drooling. Sounds harsh? Yes, we are angry at having to spend our lives and assets on Court actions that come out of the blue and never should have been filed or even listened to with any seriousness by the Court. Is this an example of the Trumpian effect on the Court’s. We didn’t vote for him – nor would we vote for anyone even closely resembling Donald Trump. 

What follows is the response to a motion filed for Guardianship over Robert Bennett filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services by Attorney James O’Sullivan whose firm represents such Elder Services groups across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

How did they get this far? Through lies, deceptions, manipulation of the Court and more.

Their request is that Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett’s guardianship be placed under the Jewish Center for Family and Children and he be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home – who is this Dr. Bennett? A retired Episcopal priest.  Dr. Bennett does not need nor want any guardianship over him. These people pushed into his life from out of the blue to take it over – why is this “indigent man” being so oppressed, put under such pressure, taken forcibly out of his home for no reason, etc. etc.? You answer that question about this African American who, though being “indigent” as these people claim, lives in the Brattle Street area of Harvard Square and no, he does not live on the street as homeless although they are trying very hard to make that possible.

_______The answer to the motion which has been filed with the Trial Court of Massachusetts follows: Any lawyers interested, please let us know


On information and belief these petitions are a part of a criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family and need to be tried in a different Court.

In response to this particular motion: 
Their #3 says: “Robert Bennett is an incapacitated person in that Robert Bennett suffers from profound deficits resulting from severe traumatic brain injury.  He has poor concentration and memory and extremely poor insight and judgment about his current and most basic needs and is at great risk of falling and additional brain injury.”

 Our response to their #3.  Robert Bennett is not an incapacitated person.  Attorney Sullivan, Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid, Ms. Angela Clary, unamed MGH medical personnel, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, inc. and unnamed others participated in an orchestrated attempt to put Robert Bennett in the condition Attorney O’Sullivan claims is Robert Bennett’s current condition.  They were unsuccessful in their attempt because of the response of Robert Bennett’s family and because of Robert Bennett’s genes and lifestyle before this began.

Robert Bennett survived the attempts to destroy his health and his wealth  by the above named people partially because of his genes, his diet, his care of his health over the decades and more.

He is today a person who walks a mile a day; knows who he is and where he is; has friends who know his current condition and are ready to testify to such to this and any other Court; cares for himself; has health indicators taken over the past two weeks i.e. blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and more within the normal range; lives in a house which has three floors and Robert Bennett is up and down those three floors many times a day without any indication of risk of falling, etc.  He also attends to his own most basic needs and still is able to help others as he has done his entire life.

He reads, has good concentration, insight and judgment as can be testified to by several witnesses who have seen him, interact with him,  work with him in his business as they have for decades and have seen him currently as well as over the years.

Robert Bennett is in that position and condition in spite of the way Attorney O’Sullivan and others have attempted to destroy him, his health and his wealth for several months, including in the filing of such Court actions distorting reality and making claims which are bogus and meant to mislead and which in addition have lied to this Court to gain their end.  They have been doing this from the beginnings of their first filings in this matter starting March 2nd or 3rd, 2020.

4.  Their filing continues “The appointment of a temporary guardian is necessary or desirable as a means of providing continuing care and supervision of Robert Bennett.”

Our response to their #4. Robert Bennett does not need a temporary guardian, in spite of the attempts by Attorney O’Sullivan and the above people to put him in such a condition by involuntary and forced incarceration in Mass General Hospital more than once on the same psychiatric claim.    

The first “section 12” which Attorney O’Sullivan filed on behalf of Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services which formally began this criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett to rob him of his freedom, with his right to vote taken away from him in spite of his request to be allowed to vote on March 3rd.  His ability to do so by this incarceration took that right away.  

This was an attempt to declare him psychotic – among other claims – none of which held up on this first forced incarceration and time spent in Mass General Hospital from March 3rd about 10:30am until being discharged by MGH on March 4th at 3:30am with “vital signs normal and no medicines prescribed”.

                                    That first forced incarceration under a section 12 which was signed, as required, by a psychologist, who also said she had never met Robert Bennett, never examined Robert Bennett, never been to Robert Bennett’s house and yet she signed for this African American man to be picked up and forced out of his home to be forcibly incarcerated at MGH against his will and the will of his family. 

Attorney O’Suollivan’s intent can be seen by the fact that eight white policemen, accompanied by five or six EMT people with two ambulances on the street outside Dr. Bennett’s home, with a hospital gurney on the sidewalk surrounded by police and EMT’s waiting for Dr. Bennett to be brought out and forced into the gurney was beyond overkill unless you were orchestrating a racist trope. 

Robert Bennett, who was quite capable of walking, talking, being aware of his life and surroundings was not allowed to go to MGH any way other than being forcibly laid on the gurney, put in an ambulance and brought to MGH tied down on such gurney.   

It was a circus and show for the neighborhood and those within range of Robert Bennett’s home to such an extent people were running from the Charles River to Robert Bennett’s home to watch what was happening.  It was demeaning, disgraceful, degrading, humiliating, shameful, undignified, belittling, contemptuous, debasing, decrying and denigrative. which Attorney O’Sullivan along with the others involved caused knowingly in what has unfolded as an extensive criminal conspiracy to deprive Robert Bennett of his freedom and lock him into a hospital, which they apparently expected to deteriorate his condition to that described by Attorney O’Sullivan in this and other motions.  It was also a criminal conspiracy meant to forcibly remove Robert Bennett from his home and neighborhood.  It was a racist trope even Hollywood would not believe happened in 2020. 

5.  Their filing continues:  “Robert Bennett’s needs cannot be met by less restrictive means, including the use of appropriate and reasonably available technological assistance.” 

After the first forced incarceration under a section 12 was dismissed by MGH with Robert Bennett being discharged in less than 24 hours after he was forcibly detained and forced into the hospital by all of the police called to carry out this “section 12” – Attorney O’Sullivan and those participating in this conspiracy had Robert Bennett, an African American citizen of these United States, a graduate of Harvard University Graduate School of Arts with a doctorate in his field, having established a substantial career including even to the day of his first forced incarceration into MGH.

This action removed him from his home without cause by abusing the police, the Court, debasing the intended and correct use of “section 12” and more to affect the criminal conspiracy that is still being attempted.  This motion by Attorney O’Sullivan on behalf of those who are a part of this criminal conspiracy is not about the appointment of a temporary guardian, but is `a part of carrying out of that conspiracy.

The conspiracy being mentioned and outlined in Ms. Al-Wetaid’s first affidavit to which she swore under pains and penalties of perjury, which she and James O’Sullivan used to push their way into Dr. Bennett’s family by recruiting people to join, telling them not the truth of the situation, but a version which would allow them to participate easing their conscience as they moved extensively against this African American man and his family. 

6.  Their filing continues:  “Immediate and substantial harm to the health, safety or welfare of Robert Bennett will likely result prior to the return date, and it appears that no other suitable person has authority to act in the circumstances.” 

This is another one of Attorney O’Sullivan’s misleadings of the Court with descriptions to the Court to justify his requests which are not rooted in fact, but in the story telling needed to continue and move along the criminal conspiracy to deprive Dr. Bennett of his freedom, his wealth, his health, separate him from his wife, and life through being incarcerated against his will while his health and wealth and life do actually disappear.

 Dr. Bennett’s life actually being threatened by this request that he be incarcerated in a nursing home, with others making decisions over him and his life in an environment which is producing many dead and/or infected by the coronavirus which has a rate of such deaths and infections in nursing homes substantially above that in the overall society.

Robert Bennett is living at home and has been for several weeks and is thriving from having been removed from MGH after his family, friends and acquaintances moved to bring what was happening in MGH to the attention of those higher up at MGH.

Robert Bennett has lived and continues to live with his family, has a large group of friends with whom he and his wife interact on a regular basis.  They are correct in saying “there is no other suitable person having authority to act in the circumstances” if they mean no other person capable of piercing that family circle to continue their attempts to destroy Robert Bennett’s health and wealth as they have attempted to do.

The people around Robert Bennett are concerned about protecting him from the likes of those engaged in this criminal conspiracy to keep them from further harming Robert Bennett – who has lost five weeks of his life and much more incarcerated in MGH confined to a space seven feet by nine feet having no access to a window to even be able to look outside let alone to be outside having the window in the two bed room cut off from him via a curtain.  

In addition, having been kept in bed during that time with alarms under him in the bed and going from the bed to a chair which was alarmed also so nurses could move quickly to make sure Robert Bennett was not allowed out of bed, it is clear what that kind of incarceration would do to an 87 year old human being who is accustomed to being up and about, taking care of himself, walking on a daily basis, jogging on occasion and bicycle riding on other occasions – there is no one in Robert Bennett’s circle of family and friends who would act in such a way to continue the destruction of Robert Bennett started by Attorney O’Sullivan and his group of conspirators.  

It is clear what Attorney O’Sullivan, who with Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid caused that incarceration under those circumstances expected their and the actions of others in their conspiratorial group to produce.

The intent was clearly to destroy the health of Dr. Bennett during that time in MGH.  But for having very good genes and having lived a life free of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, with no hint of mental problems of any kind Robert Bennett may not have survived such treatment or if he did, that survival would be the kind of life Attorney O’Sullivan has prepared for Robert Bennett to move him out of his home and neighborhood into one more “appropriate” for this African American man.

7.  Their filing continues: “Robert Bennett needs to be immediately placed in a nursing facility in order to protect his health, safety and welfare.”

Attorney O’Sullivan and those in this group of conspirators threatened Robert Bennett’s family – especially his wife – with all the things they would do to them if they didn’t do what they were told.  They were threatened with Attorney O’Sullivan sending Robert Bennett to an “Hebrew nursing home” with his guardianship under a Jewish Center for family and children if the family did not follow his orders. – This they considered a substantial threat to a retired Episcopal priest and his family.

Most people will recognize that as a very bigoted trope which goes along with the eight white policemen forcing an African American man out of his home in a very white only neighborhood where the institutions, including the banks had a policy of ‘red-lining’ to maintain the whiteness of the neighborhood.

With the advent of our current politicians, it is now possible to attempt to remove those like Robert Bennett and return this society to what it was in the 1950’s on behalf of – on information and belief – those recently moving into that neighborhood who were surprised to find their neighbors on the corner to be African American.  This particular trope, Jews over Blacks,  is and has been commonly used to “divide and conquer”.

To immediately place Robert Bennett in a nursing facility would not protect his health, safety and welfare, especially in this time of coronavirus.  Instead it would be an almost sure death sentence given the conditions and what is happening in most nursing homes around the country.  In East Boston, the elderly have been “locked in” as they have been in most parts of Massachusetts insuring that Robert Bennett would once again be cut off from his family and friends as he was in MGH.

During the time Robert Bennett was incarcerated in MGH he was not allowed to have any visitors, he was not allowed telephone calls from anyone except a couple who were certified “safe” and most likely a part of this conspiracy and his wife was not allowed to visit except for three times during his five week stay and then only for 1/2 hour each time and only with a Security Guard and Policeman present.  She was threatened many times by the Security Guards one of whom threatened to physically throw her out of MGH if she didn’t leave immediately when she arrived to spend the supposedly allowed 1/2 hour with Robert Bennett, her husband of 36 years.   Everyone who knows them will testify to the fact that it was and is a loving, caring relationship where they take care of each other as they have done during that entire period of time.

8.  Their filing says:  “The name and address of any agent designated under a health care proxy is as follows: uncertain at this time.”

Using the health care proxy is one important way Attorney O’Sullivan and his group have controlled Robert Bennett and the lack of care he has received.

There is a Health Care Proxy which should be operational.  Robert Bennett had a Health Care Proxy drawn up by probate attorney Don McInnis and it was signed by Robert Bennett on November 18, 2019.  Attorney O’Sullivan and all others know this to be true and have done everything they could do to cloud this issue because Robert Bennett’s wife is who Robert Bennett named as his health care proxy.

On information and belief Attorney O’Sullivan and those involved in his group lied to the Court about Robert Bennett’s Health Care Proxy because it was to their advantage and to the intent of the criminal conspiracy to cloud and discredit Robert Bennett’s wife as much as possible and they declared – especially in the signed affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid –  that Robert Bennett was not conscious of what he was doing when he signed the Health Care Proxy which Attorney O’Sullivan asked the Court in March 4th or 5th to invalidate and put in its place a Health Care Proxy which Robert Bennett himself had invalidated and which caused Robert Bennett to ask Attorney McInnis to prepare a Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett to sign.

Attorney O’Sullivan completely misled the Court during his March 4th or 5th request to this Court for a “Protective Order” which he used to keep Robert Bennett incarcerated in MGH along with a “section 12” all of which became the central part around which this criminal conspiracy evolved.  The section 12 was never lifted because it was never addressed by the MGH people.   Robert Bennett was forced to take pills which he did not want and did not know what they were for or what they were.

There were five to ten pills per day given to Dr. Bennett – which he was forced to take none of which were prescribed and all were ‘over the counter’ medicines.   A couple were psychotropic drugs which caused Dr. Bennett to hallucinate while in the hospital which was of major concern to Dr. Bennett and a couple others were so difficult for him when they were sent home with him to continue this regime of non-prescribed over the counter drugs which he did not want nor need it was horrendous to watch how painful it was for him to take a couple of the over the counter pills because of his negative reaction to them.  Robert Bennett was only let out of the hospital if his family agreed to continue giving him these pills and would accept the visit of six or more home health people from the Blissful Agency, who were to continue giving Dr. Bennett these drugs.   
Dr. Bennett’s family were not allowed to choose the health care agency they would want to work with, they were told only the Blissful Agency was acceptable.

Both Robert Bennett and his wife were very concerned with all of the people who would be going and coming in and out of their home with the threat of bringing the virus with each person entering or leaving the house, especially considering their age.  They were told that this was the only way Dr. Bennett would be allowed to go to his home.  If they did not accept that, he would be sent immediately to a nursing home since he had to leave the hospital no matter what. MGH social workers assured them they would not catch the coronavirus in spite of having so many different people going back and forth in their home.  It was a horrendous time for everyone in the family knowing that it was very possible either one or both could very well come down with the coronavirus under the circumstances thrust upon them by MGH.

He was sent home to his wife with the Protective Order still overhanging them with the refusal to remove it by Attorney O’Sullivan who – on information and belief – intended to use it against them at some point in the near future.  MGH Social Workers asked Robert Bennett’s son to come to Boston to spend a week to pick up Dr. Bennett from the hospital to bring him home and to stay with the family for the rest of the week.  After that, they were told, they could go home and things would be fine.

They asked Dr. Bennett’s son to choose – stay home and shelter in place as he and his wife had been doing and turn his back on his father, or risk getting the coronavirus and go to Cambridge to get his father out of MGH.

The agreement was that Dr. Bennett would be sent home and would not be harassed by those who had done the harassing in the past, however, two days after Dr. Bennett was released from the hospital, Attorney O’Sullivan served this motion to have Dr. Bennett placed under guardianship by the Jewish Center for Family and Children and suggested that he would then be sent by them to a Hebrew Nursing Home along with other motions and threats made by Attorney O’Sullivan which he is in the process of carrying out because neither Robert Bennett or his wife would, once again, apply for Mass Health at Attorney O’Sullivans’ demand that they do so.

In spite of spending much time protecting her husband and making sure he was healthy and safe, Attorney O’Sullivan and Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid both accused Robert Bennett’s wife of all kinds of negative things including asking the Court to invalidate the Health Care Proxy which probate attorney Don McInnis created for Robert Bennett at Dr. Bennett’s  request along with invalidating the Health Care Proxy which MGH created for Robert Bennett because MGH discovered that Health Care Proxy had a one character typographical error.  

The person at MGH who handles their Health Care Proxies discovered this discrepancy and created another Health Care Proxy for Robert Bennett changing that one character.  She spent about 45 minutes talking to Dr. Bennett alone in his room at MGH to make sure he understood the Health Care Proxy and what he was signing.   

This is the Health Care Proxy that Attorney O’Sullivan misrepresented to the Court as being a change in the person who was the health care proxy and representing to the Court his claim that Robert Bennett was not mentally able to know what he was signing when he signed the Health Care Proxy created by MGH with the one character change maintaining the same health care proxy he had when he entered the hospital.  That person continued as the health care proxy in the one created by MGH and that person is Robert Bennett’s wife, who these forces are trying mightily to move aside because one of their strongest moves has been to separate Robert Bennett from his wife re-creating Dr. Bennett’s wife as some horrible, irresponsible with other negative adjectives being added constantly to the way she is characterized and described by Attorney O’Sullivan and this group forming the criminal conspiracy.

It is clear how Attorney O’Sullivan has attempted to manipulate and lie to this Court as he ends his motion.

He says in “e.” – ” waive the appearance of Robert Bennett: and…”

To waive the appearance of Robert Bennett would not allow the Court to see a man who is healthy, competent, understanding of everything around him and responding as one would expect such a person in complete control of himself, his life, his mind would respond.  Without the appearance of Robert  Bennett that would continue the way Attorney O’Sullivan has brought this motion and others like them forward and succeeded in attaining his goal at the expense of Robert Bennett and his family, friends, acquaintances, business and business associates.

This is how Attorney O’Sullivan manipulated this Court into hearing a motion request for a “Protective Order” against Robert Bennett’s wife, among others, without proof, and how he was able to ask for that hearing to be without his giving notice to Robert Bennett of the hearing being able to manipulate the Court in the most obscene ways.  He started that manipulation of the Court by not telling the Court that MGH had just 24 hours earlier lifted the “section 12”  Attorney O’Sullivan filed against Dr. Bennett as being without cause and without medicines prescribed and with  Dr. Bennett’s vitals normal.  

The same “section 12” Attorney Sullivan was now filing against Dr. Bennett just 24 hours after the exact same charge was lifted with the addition of a Protective Order and the addition of Ms. Nora Al-wetaid talking in her affidavit and amongst people at MGH about conspiring to keep Dr. Bennett in MGH as long as possible.  They thought it was for his health – in fact, it was to have Dr. Bennett’s health, when he would finally be let out of MGH, match the “incapacitated” state Attorney O’Sullivan needed to match the guardianship motion amongst others he was going to file when that time came.

Sorrowfully, in the process of all of this we have heard that this kind of use of a “section 12”, which has other names in other parts of the country, are being used against African Americans to incarcerate them in the hospital – with their insurance companies paying the bill – with that being for no good reason except to incarcerate African Americans  who have committed no crimes and to relieve them of substantial amounts of their assets, their dignity, their respect and to destroy the life and reputation they created before this happened and  before releasing them. 

This Protective Order was impounded and neither Robert Bennett nor his wife knew about it or what was in it for weeks. 

In (d)  Attorney O’Sullivan asks that “health insurance benefits for Robert Bennett, including MassHealth be applied for”.

 This is another way Attorney O’Sullivan has threatened Robert Bennett’s wife and family constantly.  In his original filing, Attorney O’Sullivan identified Robert Bennett as “indigent”.  On information and belief this was done to allow the Court to go along with other requests which furthered the criminal conspiracy Attorney O’Sullivan and the group which did this criminal conspiracy.

The people involved had been to Robert Bennett’s home under disguise, and knew Robert Bennett was clearly not “indigent”.  In spite of that and in spite of knowing otherwise Attorney O’Sullivan misled the Court into thinking that Dr. Bennett was “indigent” and that came around again in his demands to the family, to which they did not acquiesce that they apply for Mass Health for Robert Bennett.  

This request generated threats to the family from unidentified persons – and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan to hide from the Court the fact that Dr. Bennett and his family have substantial insurance coverage which is more than adequate for his and their needs through the Episcopal Church Pension Fund which more than adequately takes care of its retired Episcopal priests – of which Dr. Bennett is one.  Attorney O’Sullivan and his group could never explain why Mass Health was necessary to be applied for when Robert Bennett and his family did not qualify for Mass Health and very much resented being asked to take advantage of something set up for those who needed such when they did not.

As this criminal conspiracy moved along Robert Bennett and his family were contacted by people who experienced a very similar process by Attorney O’Sullivan including the demand that they apply for Mass Health when they did not qualify.  They notified Dr. Bennett because they wanted him to know the reason for the demand that they apply for MassHealth was because the application provides a road map to the assets of the person who applied and did not qualify and that Mass health liens on those assets left them destitute.  All of the people who notified Robert Bennett and his family of such were destitute because their assets were taken – one was put out of the nursing home onto the street and his family, who had been denigrated and described as monsters in Court actions in the most negative way by Attorney O’Sullivan and those he represented to get the end result they achieved – their families were the ones who were there to take them off the street and back into the family which the person didn’t want to leave in the first place.

Their assets were never recovered for reasons we have not investigated, but the appropriate law enforcement agencies could investigate.  The families, at the moment, are terrified with one family group having left the state and will not cross the state line because of their fear after what happened to them through Attorney O’Sullivan’s representation of Elder and Protective Services Groups – which he and his firm apparently represent across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

By hiding and obscuring from the Court the fact that a section 12 was brought and lifted and Robert Bennett discharged by MGH without medicines prescribed and normal vitals, this allowed Attorney O’Sullivan along with an affidavit sworn under penalties of perjury by Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid which contained many untruths, to obtain a Protective Order from this Court which started this action and allowed Attorney O’Sullivan and the Protective Services people to promote the criminal conspiracy they put in place with the filing of the first “section 12” and was deemed quite successful with the filing of a second identical “section 12” along with a Protective Order gained from this Court through misrepresentations, lies, charges against Robert Bennett’s wife – which claims were needed to gain the power over Robert Bennett and to move aside Robert Bennett’s wife including the abuse charge  which had no proof and which should have been brought against Robert Bennett’s Primary Care Physician.

Attorney O’Sullivan and Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services has no reason to be involved with Robert Bennett and/or his life and family but for the  forming of the criminal conspiracy against Robert Bennett and his family to their detriment and to the advantaging of themselves at Robert Bennett’s expense.  They have taken that initial filing and turned it into major legal work and expense for Robert Bennett’s family.

We ask the Court for relief from all of this including for expenses which have been accumulated by Robert Bennett’s family because of this illegal intrusion into their lives by Attorney James O’Sullivan along with Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  We also ask for punitive damages because of this motion being added to all the rest in an unrelieved time of stress, anxiety, the draining of their resources when the coronavirus fears have stopped their business and other such negativities this family has lived through.

We also ask that any and all motions filed by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated and this entire time period reviewed by the relevant law enforcement officials to clear Dr. Bennett and his family from having to spend enormous time, money, effort and emotion because of this intrusion into their family by the above people.

We also ask that the Health Care Proxy – the one created for Dr. Bennett naming his wife as his health care proxy be re-established per Dr. Bennett’s wishes both then, and when MGH recreated the Health Care Proxy and now and that the Protective Order obtained from this Court by Attorney O’Sullivan be negated.

Respectfully submitted

The Family and Friends of Robert A. Bennett 

by his wife of 37 years _s/s Marceline Donaldson_

We have many letters, affidavits, and other proofs to submit to this Court including the vitals of Dr. Bennett over the latest two week period;  observations of Dr. Bennett as he goes around Cambridge taking care of his business by those working in the Cambridge Harvard Square Post Office who see him on a near daily basis and have for the past several years; a neurologist who knows the family and their commitment to Robert Bennett and has tried to follow Dr. Bennett medically  through his time at MGH; neighbors and friends who know and have spoken with and seen Dr. Bennett over the past several months and who know he is not and has never been incapacitated nor at risk of falling.

We are not sure how to submit these to the Court and would appreciate some guidance about this – not being attorneys we have tried to follow the form as closely as possible, but hope the Court will look mainly at the content and seriousness of this filing, especially as to how it will affect others coming behind Dr. Bennett experiencing similar atrocities along with those who went before and are suffering from their experience of elder abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be protecting the elderly from such abuse.

In addition, we have an outline of the affidavit of Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid with proof of the lies she has told and responses to the other papers sent to various people by Attorney O’Sullivan.

Because it takes time to contact and receive information back from the many people we know are involved, it will take time to put this together.  It could be more efficiently and more acceptable to the Court if done by law enforcement people which we request be involved.

We have not received much of the information and motions sent around the Bennett family and friends by Attorney O’Sullivan so we ask the Court’s forbearance as we try to respond to this unbelievable case.  We did not expect to be involved in such and resent being involved, but we will respond as completely and truthfully and with as much kindness of spirit as we can conjure. 

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