Responses by Bettina Network Members

I am sending my comments, but I don’t expect this will go anyplace. Trump has this country in a vise and is tightening it daily all to the benefit of his friends in Russia and North Korea and Saudi Arabia as well as other places. He is financially and otherwise beholden to them and they should be proud of the job he is doing on their behalf as well as his own.

Clearly, he has the best interest of Saudi Arabia in mind when he refuses to move aggressively and investigate the murder of Khashoggi. And that is just one of the horrendous things he is and has done. The plight of the children on the southern border is another. Concentration Camps? I would say no – it is too mild to compare that to concentration camps. When you have children sleeping on the floor under metal blankets and a section for those sick children which room no one can see or visit the children – that speaks of a horrific scene and consequences and murder through gross neglect.


Donald Trump’s friends – his close friends, especially those he has appointed to his administration in financially lucrative positions says a lot about him. My grandmother used to say -“show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.”

Trump’s friends are sexual abusers – some convicted of such; Pedophiles – very publicly exposed; and an assortment of really low life people who are making a great living on other peoples dime.

Trump himself – before he became president – was credibly accused of having sexually abused, attacked, and now raped twenty (20) plus women and we still hold him up as “President of these United States”? Where are those who wanted to take down the Democratic Senator from Minnesota who was accused of much less? He was gone in short order. Millions of people voted for Donald Trump knowing all about him and what they knew was beyond the putridness of garbage dump stuff. This is who we now call President. And who the Evangelical Christians like Falwell, Jr. and others support and are delighted he is their president. What is their private life that they keep hidden like? Do they understand and acknowledge this president because they are right there with what he is doing? How well do you Evangelical folks who are quick to dump on others know your leaders who you shore up, keep your money going to support, and praise as though they are God.


Cosby and Trump. It is time for hollywood to take responsibility for who they have created. It took decades to bring Bill Cosby down and out of the way to where he could no longer sexually assault women. Why? Because he was held up for years in a fictional television show as this idealized African American doctor with an idealized family. With that kind of insulation he was untouchable and he was unbelievable that he was guilty of what the courts finally called him on. We, as people, could not distinguish between the actor – Dr. Hucstable (intentional misspelling) and Bill Cosby, womanizer and sexual abuser. That has got to stop.

Trump is now untouchable because people can’t believe the man they wanted to be like on the television show – created by script writers; make-up artists; public relations people – would do the things the real Donald Trump is doing and has done. Our forgiveness activated by our greed has allowed this man to be and remain President of these United States. The criminal activities, the rape, the sexual assault to which he admitted and bragged about, all of the things the “Christian” leaders ignore and instead raise Trump up as the second coming.


This U. S. A’s immorality is being exposed. Murdoch – “great” newsman and good friend to Donald Trump, who manipulated his media to cover-up his friends illicit activities to keep his reputation sterling and outside the reach of the police. Knowing that, is this the background for Trump calling the legitimate media the “Fake News”? He knows what his friends in the media do for him so the entire group must be manufacturing news and covering up real legitimate news. When the people who surround you by your choice are so foul your ethics, morality, sinfulness increases exponentially because that is how you see the world. That is what you have in common so it must be alright. All of what we are seeing with Trump goes along with White Nationalists. They share the same ethical base. Maybe they were dropped on their heads at birth and this is the result? Or their laziness has been supported by their greed and this is who they have become covering up their horribleness by looking down on others. Turn the laws of Moses, Abraham, Jesus upside down and inside out and those Christian leaders living on the livelihood of others becomes who they single out to put a cover on their worse activities.


Stories in the media like “Game of Thrones” need to be taken off and never again see the light of day. Looking at Coby and Trump, who do you think is going to happen with that horribleness put out into the world. It comes home to roost and I hate to think in what form.

I only saw a small portion and that was an advertisement for the series. A woman thrown down a large hole for what I didn’t know. But that was followed by an equally ugly scene where a woman was destroyed quickly, effectively and apparently with no calling to account. Those things change the ethical base of the society. Just as Cosby and Trump’s television shows compared to who they really are changed the ethical base of society because many don’t separate the actor from his role.


Ed. Note: We could go along for pages printing what has come into us. Somehow, a deluge of what sounds like hatred, desperation, at the end of their ropes, disgusted with society, is what we are reading and hearing. We can’t print anymore of this it is unbelievably depressing and our members tend to come from the upper classes; the scientists; the intellectuals of this world – these are the people sending us these comments. They have power in this society and we are praying they are exercising that power in good and just ways.



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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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