Trump – the Enemy of the United States and its People!

It becomes harder each day for those who support Donald Trump to continue in that space without having to take that step into a treasonous space.

This morning, we watched the Hitler history on cable television and it was amazing. Our host family brought us breakfast on a tray because we couldn’t move away from the television. A real wake up call. There was no way to watch that without realizing the similarities.

I remember years ago all the publicity surrounding Donald Trump’s divorce from Ivana Trump. Big in all of that were things which seeped into the media from the divorce proceeding. Things like the claim that Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf next to his bed on his nightstand and read a part of it every night. When you see how he is walking through his presidency, the lessons of those days comes through. He learned them well.

The first part of this many part documentary talks about how Hitler started out – before he got to first base – requiring loyalty from his friends and those around him. Personal and complete loyalty and requires them to make public statements of that loyalty. What struck me as I watched that was the cabinet meetings and other times when Trump required each member of his cabinet to pledge their loyalty to him in those two to three minute public speeches and to say wonderful things about him personally. They were not pledging their loyalty to the U. S. Constitution, they were pledging their loyalty to Trump personally.

In the middle of all this personal loyalty, Hitler in return had his best friend -Rohm – killed along with others. Just like Trump, who requires loyalty of others, but gives none to anyone in return.

What also struck me was Trump’s speeches being very much like Hitlers’ after 1934 when Hitler made a power grab like Trump is contemplating for 2018.

Striking too was the way Hitler folded his arms in front of himself when seriously speaking – exactly the way Trump does, especially around the table (among other times) when he threatened North Korea and Kim Jong Un with fire and fury like nothing the world has ever seen.

I’ve heard many talk about the Trump narcissism. In this documentary outlining Hitler’s “reign” what is talked about and what fits for Trump is not Hitler’s narcissism but his messiah complex. His need for absolute rule. Everything Trump has done since taking office and before seems to have come out of such a Messiah complex. Which says Putin and all those others who see Trump as a buddy and member of the club are, one day soon, in for a very rude awakening. If Trump continues in office they will rue the day they hooked up with him and it will probably be a sharp and complete surprise.

Trump’s messiah complex paralleling Hitler’s comes out when he talks in his campaign speeches and other places about only Trump being able to solve the people’s grievances. Only Trump can solve the problem aobut which he is talking. In this documentary comes Hitler talking about how only Hitler can solve the people’s grievances.

What was off for me in Trump’s campaign was his slogan to “Make America Great Again”. Since America was and is already at the top of its game his slogan seemed a stolen slogan from Reagan with Trump not wanting to do the work of coming up with one of his own. Many have tried to put that into some kind of context and explain what Trump and his supporters mean. With this documentary, Hitler’s slogan – Hitler-type nationalism will make Germany a great power and restore Germans to greatness. Deutschland UBER Alles.

Given the economy and the condition Germany was in after the war that kind of promise had a context which could be put into some kind of real space. For Trump to have taken that part of Hitler’s history and made it a part of his campaign when America was not in the lowered economic position that Germany was in at the time, shows just how much Trump copied from Hitler and his history without any thought to the actuality of the situation of America and Germany. Barack Obama brought America from the brink of a serious recession into a slow, upward moving economy – which is the kind you most want, since it will last over the long term and not suffer a blazing blow out.

If you are stealing – ‘whole hog’ – from another those things won’t register until years later when your mind clears of the fog created by such devotion to and copying of another man’s life.

Hitler’s history with women so totally parallels Trump’s that it is amazing – except there is, so far, nothing in Trump’s history to parallel the murder of one of his women, although lets just give that a bit of time.

Hitler constantly had a parade of increasingly younger women until Eva Braun, who was 17 at the time their relationship started and Hitler was well into his 40’s. Each one of Hitler’s paramours was much younger than the last. I don’t think I need to go into any detail to make that comparison with Trump – who is now with Melania, someone the age of Donald and Ivana Trump’s children.

Another very striking parallel is Hitler’s dependence upon unrest as a means to gain power. That is clearly what Trump is trying to do and maintain as president. He has constant unrest on every level. When the press and people see him as having something positive going there is much discussion and attempts to explain why he upheavals his own work. Looking at what happened in Hitler’s Germany – unrest for the sake of taking total power totally parallels Trump.

And the biggy – using minorities to galvanize his power – distract the populace – and give them something to do while he moves ahead consolidating his position in the country without their interference is very familiar. Trump has used the immigration issue unbelievably close to how Hitler used the Jews. A distraction which gives his base something to do to feel better than and to keep them busy constructing hell while he makes sure other large parts of his agenda get accomplished with very little blow back.

If the Republicans remain in power after 2018 I am sure we will see violence against every kind of minority such as the world has never seen before as Trump prepares to take over complete power in 2020.

The institutional structures which most helped Trump achieve his goal are the global billion dollar companies which are pulling together immense power through money, control, ability to respond in seconds, ability to manipulate very large numbers of people through propaganda and how to most effectively abuse technology is a done deal.

Relatively new global corporations are destroying others, blocking minorities and taking away whatever economic steps forward they have been able to make. They are what is being used to the corporate world at the top all white, all male, all norther European ancestral roots. That has become increasingly clear as we’ve seen Russian ‘infiltrators’ and others pointing out constantly to Americans in their circle how much alike they are and how much they have in common. The clear script running at the bottom of the television screen as they do this is the White Racism, White Nationalism, White Supremacy they are pointing to with moving.

When you come right down to it what would that commonality be that the Russian want Americans to see, believe and adopt? Not governmental structures; Not democracry; Not republican forms of government; ……but the need to be and include only white and ‘better than’.

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