Trump – raised in a KKK family?

Clearly, Donald Trump is now showing his upbringing and beliefs.  Those were sort of hidden for years, but clearly were the underlying ethic upon which Trump built his life and belief system.

We elected a man who, when he ran for President of these United States, had two media endorsements – the National Enquirer and the Ku Klux Klan Newsletter.  We can now see clearly why those two endorsements.  He apparently either owns, has made investments in, has blackmailed the editory/publisher, or has some other inside connection to the National Enquirer.  His father’s involvement with the KKK certainly has made Trump a second generation klansman and very knowledgeable about their tactics, strategies, belief system, etc. because he shows his connection on a daily basis and he shows clearly that he automatically produces much out of that background experience and beliefs.

Given all of that, I prefer to think Trump was elected by foreign governments whose interest was in weakening these United States instead of thinking that we really went out to vote and elected this man president.  Given that, I am super concerned that the same thing may happen during the mid-terms.  Is that why Trump has been so anti-the investigation which is looking into exactly what happened during that election?  He certainly does not want Mueller, the special counsel, to destroy or expose the goose that laid the golden egg for him and his minions.

When he was pushed and had to retract what he set out for the “Zero Tolerance” policy, he showed that in creating the policy he did it out of the Klan beliefs which were a part of his upbringing and early family training.  And interestingly, who was his right hand person putting this together – none other than Attorney General Sessions.

This was not, incredibly, the first time Trump showed his extreme racism.  When he was a young man he and his father were sued by the United States Government for their racism in the way they handled their business.  Sessions has shown his extreme racism throughout his life in everything he has done and accomplished.

Trump has not changed, he has only become more intransigent in the ways of his youth – which was followed in his early adulthood by the training, experience and education he received with his involvement with Roy Cohn and Senator Joe McCarthy.  One of those beliefs he learned at Roy Cohn’s feet “If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough people will believe you”.

Those long candlelit dinners with Roy Cohn produced much of the belief system Trump put on top of that with which he was raised, which today has produced a monster doing everything he can to bring about an extremely bigoted and divided society.  Those who support him, however, should take note of how that friendship and ‘mentoring’ relationship he had with Roy Cohn ended.  In the end, when Roy Cohn no longer had money nor much influence and he was terminally ill, Donald Trump disappeared as a friend and was not there to comfort or support his friend, Cohn,  on whom he relied to introduce him into the New York real estate world and coach him on how to act, think, be.  When Roy Cohn had no more to give Trump and needed his friendship and support in return Trump was long gone making sure he was cleaning himself of any involvement with or attachment to Roy Cohn.  And that has been a pattern Trump has followed throughout his life.

When Trump had to back away from splitting families and producing Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and Death Camps, the way he handled a press exposure to that backing away made the KKK proud.  It was the way the KKK would have done the same thing.  Put people out front to continue the destruction of South American people immigrating to the United States by doing everything he could to bring fear and loathing into the picture showcasing people whose grief at the loss of loved ones Trump weaponized and used to attempt to continue creating a negative stereotype for South Americans which would make most people cringe.

I’ve seen crude, vicious, arrogant, racist rants before but Trump put out a lesson to help embellish the negative stereotype of people from South America – to make people fear them by just seeing one on the street –  the way the stereotype of African Americans has been embellished over the years which has now led to African American adults and children being shot and killed by law enforcement when they were not armed and not committing any kind of criminal act that would lead to their having threatened the lives of law enforcement and under circumstances where the law enforcement officers could have, and if the people were White, would have handled the situation in a non-life threatening way.  This has been going on for generations and clearly, South Americans are now being included with this group and Donald Trump, in the way he is handling this is making sure that these minorities are going to be put in harms way because that is his belief system and he is passing it on to Americans weaponizing grief to inject a lot of racist rhetoric and beliefs at a time when the people he brought on stage were most susceptible and deep into their grief rather than into how they and their grief were being abused by Donald Trump.

What is the difference between Donald Trump and David Duke in the American scheme of things?  Why did we reject the one and elect the other?  It seems to me there were two things which made the difference:  1) Trump was apparently backed by a foreign government which was served by weakening the United States and found Trump a very likely person who would do that effectively if he was promised something to his benefit – like a Trump Tower Moscow or other such promise.  2) Trump has the image of a billionaire, whether true or not, and David Duke was just a plain middle class American.  We do have a different ethical standard for those who have reached that billionaire status than we do for others in this society.

So the president of these United States has a KKK upbringing and background and apparently very strong KKK commitment and support which he is parading in front of the American people using it to help change this society into one which is bigoted in the way the KKK has tried to change this society for generations.

He, apparently, also has neo-Nazi ties and commitments.  When you look at who he has appointed to his administration and who he keeps close to him, if he were not into the neo-Nazi movement he would not be able to tolerate the people he has brough in and put close to the top of this United States Government.  Charlottesville showed that with no equivocation and we chose to be in shock for a few moments and then paved over that as though it had not happened.

And let us not forget Trump’s mafia connections.  Wasn’t John Gotti’s son one of his high school friends?  And isn’t there a trail left of his connections to, transactions with and approval of several mafias – in those connections he does not seem to discriminate. Or is it possible that his core dump on Mexico comes from trying to diminish the American and other mafia competition with that country?

This Trump presidency has produced a Muslim Travel Ban when it was just days old – caused many people to have horrid upsets in their lives as this went into affect disallowing any Muslims into the United States until the United States Supreme Court ruled otherwise.  Clearly, Trump is in the process of corrupting such areas which close down his bringing the vilest bigotry into this country that one could imagine.

Trump declared that LGBT people would not be allowed to serve in the Armed Forces – until that was blocked by others.

Trump took on the sports groups claiming their “taking the knee” was disrespectful to the flag and made quite a campaign out of that.  Trump, someone who does not know the words and never has taken the time to learn the words to the National Anthem that he claims was disrespected.  Trump, who found ways to disrespect this country by several times taking fringy excuses not to serve this country he claims these others disrespected.  What could be more disrespectful and foul than that?  Trump, who apparently was really protecting the millions of dollars his friends receive  from the DOD if the players on the teams they own take to the field and look extremely robotic in ‘respecting’ the flag and the National Anthem.  Before money into the pockets of the team owners started, the players stayed in the locker room until the patriotic happenings finished.  So was this really about patriotism to Trump or money to people he probably saw he would need in the future?

Trump has destroyed relationships with democracies and republics which took generations to build in favor of bringing about the United States closeness to dictatorships of the worst kind. With their support Trump expects to win and remain president for the rest of his life with a citizenship scared silly of him and his entourage, friends and foreign government supporters.  He clearly not only intends to do this but he is about the business of wiping the faces of Americans in his choices of friends he expects to install as the United States ‘allies’.  And to them I would say look at the pattern established by Trump with Roy Cohn and don’t expect loyalty, especially if you have given all you have to Trump and you need something in return when that giving has stopped and he doesn’t see it continuing at some point in the near future.

And on and on we go with much more of the same kind which has constantly happened one after another in close succession doing its best to weaken this country and finally bring in the rule and reign of the KKK, the Neo-Nazis and all the others with whom Trump has combined to succeed in his attempt to become and remain president with total control of these United States.

Trump has now reached the point of having established and is growing at a dramatic rate Concentration Camps, Internment Camps and Death Camps.  When we first mentioned Death Camps there was disbelief.  Aren’t you carrying this a bit far came one response.  Well, now we are seeing children of those asking for asylum coming into our hospitals with some of those children suicidal.  A fact which pediatricians and psychiatrist to the young have predicted would happen.  We are also hearing reports of young boys being beaten where they are in these camps and being treated in other vile ways.   AND no one even knows where the girls are.  Given Trump’s record of sexual abuse and sexual assault about which he bragged and going to his beauty contest events finding flimsy reasons to walk into the dressing rooms of young 16 year olds who were getting ready for their next event with some nude, we should be very concerned about where the girls are in these Internment, Concentration and Death Camps.  Next, we will begin to hear about rapes and other atrocities. Or will those so attacked ‘disappear’?

We have heard reports of parents getting their children who haven’t had a bath or shower in the entire time of their stay in one of the Trump Concentration Camps and the food and other care they received at a level no one in this country would allow for anyone in their families.

We heard one day that Trump was setting up Concentration Camps for some 20,000 children.  Within the same day, what leaked out were the memos and other proofs that Trump was actually setting up Concentration Camps for some 100,000 children and was keeping that away from the public until it was unveiled.  Trump and his people have been super concerned about “leaks.”  We should be concerned to make sure the “leakers” are well protected when they leak because without them we will never know what is actually happening in these Camps where even Congressional people and other government officials have not been allowed to know where they are and especially not allowed to see these Concentration Camps even when they show up in their official capacity.  Have you ever heard of not allowing such government officials in to see what is happening where tax payer money is being used to set up all of this?

You can keep your head in the sand and engage in denial, but remember this – today it is Immigrants in those camps – tomorrow it will be you and your children in those camps for other reasons, especially if you are black or brown.  And taking a clue from what happened in Germany under the Nazi regime, remember the non-Jews who were put in Concentration Camps because they could not live with what they knew was happening in those camps?  They were also killed in those camps along with the Jews.  Someone whose books I’ve read and cherish was Dietrich Bonhoeffer – remember him – killed by the Nazis right before the Concentration Camp where he was kept was freed by the Western Allies?  Do you think you will be excluded from this Nazi re-enactment happening in a much more concentrated and quick way than it happened in Germany during Hitlers day?  Hitler was not, after all, a billionaire having cultivated many billionaire friends he could call on for help.

Is this a time for extreme civil disobedience against this Trump regime?  Don’t you think that is a serious conversation that needs to happen and that needs to be done in this country before we learn about the horrors of these camps from those in other countries who came across what is happening in these United States the way we came across what was happening in Germany?  Your life and freedom are at stake here and you need to move out of your need that Trump fills of being “better than” and get quickly into the “equal to” before it is too late.

Who is Trump’s base?  The racist KKK, the neo-Nazi’s, the bigots of every stripe, the mafia who see the opportunity to make a fortune in what is happening because, after all, isn’t this all being carried out by private profit making organizations and corporations who have – from what we are seeing – some really shady stuff happening in their past?  That is your tax payer dollar at work – your hard earned dollars going to support and help erect this scaffold on which Trump expects to put quite a few people.

May God continue to love and protect us all.


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