An American Tragedy – Trump is President of the United States

ed. note:  A Bettina Network Lifestyle Member responds.

A man is ripping apart the Constitution of the country of which he is president and ripping apart those things that make it a Republic because he needs to cover and protect his son.  He needs to distract the press headlines away from his son.  And the son was only following the example set for him by his father.

This is not the first time Donald Trump has needed to distract and dissemble.  Remember back over many times in the very recent past when he wanted to take press headlines away from something he had done or was doing and he threw a bomb into the middle of a large group of people to achieve his goal.  So, once again we have that spectacle.

His base?  The bigots of the country – the mafia of the country – the dregs of society – those trying to save their place in society because of their desperate need to be “better than”.

This brings  the U. S. a small step closer to losing everything that we have fought for over hundreds of years.  As Germany changed into Nazi Germany one small step at a time.

To adopt Marceline’s analogy, Adolph is back in the form of Donald and moving ahead faster than he did towards his goal when he incarnated as Hitler.


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