Treason – Sexual Assaulter – Mafia – Lies – and so much more!

Would anyone believe their would ever come a time when the above title would describe the activities and involvements of the United States President?

Everything we see is questionable.  As the Attorney General starts a crack down on marijuana, the first thing that comes to mind is if the Trump administration is moving to protect a profit center for the mafia as long as possible by keeping marijuana in the illegal area as long as possible.  Clearly, marijuana is becoming legal in many states, but Trump and his administration can move to maintain the mafia’s position in that drug trade until the last possible moment.  It is awful to have that thought pop-up so immediately.  We should be about other things and have wonderful, strong, substantial thoughts as to the future of this country – strong, honest, working to make sure all benefit and are well cared for – or is that a pipe dream and as humans we are not able to reach such a goal?

The current president has quite a mafia involvement.  And it stretches from McCarthyism on.  Even today he opines Roy Cohn – the right hand of McCarthy – the alcoholic Congressperson who terrorized the United States with his Communist hunt causing people to lose jobs, families, etc. etc.  People paid obeisance to McCarthy and praised him in front of his face with no critiques, negatives, etc. because they wanted to stay out of his line of sight.

He has this reach – McCarthy – Roy Cohn – John Gotti – the Gambino Crime family – and on it goes. Let’s not forget his high school career during which his friend was John Gotti’s son.  We have a president with long, deep mafia connections and we try hard to keep that under cover in spite of the fact that these United States are beginning to look like mafia country and begins to be structured like a mafia organization.  The Republican Party seems to me to have become a criminal enterprise.  AND – do you see the connection between Trump and his claimed ‘sensitivity’ having people grovel and praise him and the mafia don who no one criticizes to his face, but grovels in front of him and praises him the way Trump insists on being praised..

And we elected this man president of these United States.  What is wrong with American voters?  Is Trump’s base composed of the racists, the sexists, the homophobes in combination with the different mafia’s in this country, which is why his numbers are holding steady?

This country today shows what it is like to live in a place controlled and very quickly being restructured by the mafia and a country that used to be a foreign enemy, with its Oligarch’s.  We don’t have such Oligarch’s in the United States – we have equivalents who we call Tech Billionaires and they are multiplying and mostly today those joining that group look very much like thugs.

This isn’t a first – slaves suffered in these United States for some 250 years.  This is a country which used its marriage laws to enslave Africans.  Slaves were freed, but their progeny are still suffering the results of that slavery and being forced to accept second class citizenship.  Many people suffered during McCarthyism.  Many more are suffering today and from its current trajectory Trumpism is going to make McCarthyism look like a walk in the park.  When are we going to grow up and take over this country to make it into a substantial democracy?  Are we so afraid of that responsibility?

One thing this shows is how weak and mired in sin are our politicians.  To see people grovel to evil for a few silver coins is an ugly scene and that is what we have playing out in front of us.  What is it they expect?  To benefit?  The wages of sin are not gold or silver, but death.  Didn’t their parents tell them when you lie down with dogs you get fleas?

One of the lessons Trump learned at Roy Cohn’s feet was to push your friends and others into a position of having to grovel at your feet.  Have them compliment you all the time.  Trump doesn’t have a weak ego – he has lessons he has learned and lives by.  If those under you have to constantly compliment you – the hordes of people around you, a little ways off,  will hear and assume they know what these others are talking about and you have followers who think you are great.  Trump told those stories of lessons he learned from Roy Cohn himself.  Not to even touch on those he learned from his father – in or out of a KKK white robe and pointy hat.

Wake up America!  You have slept through too much and been complicit with too many evil movements and people.  Clean up your act and soonest or what is coming will make the rest look like Sunday school.


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