Centers for Wisdom, Knowledge and Art

We need a new section on the web site for "Centers for Wisdom, Knowledge and Art". It is equal to Estate Sales and the other sections.
To use the section - Centers for Wisdom, Knowledge and Art" one would have to be a member of Bettina Lifestyle Community.
The above attachment is what we currently use for those who want to join.  We need to have the web site tell what this membership is all about.
Maybe we also need something separate for this membership and how to apply - cost, etc. with the caution that applying does not mean you are a member.  Bettina Network, inc. has to respond in the positive with - among other things - your unique membership number.

Bettina Network Lifestyle Community

Along the way we added Bettina Network Foundation, inc., Bettina Network Blog, Bettina Network Journal, and a couple more. Through those experiences we discovered there can be no separation between our commercial selves and our responsibility to work towards a much more giving, loving, gracious society. 

We are always searching for knowledge, wisdom and a greater understanding of the world.  We have combined it all in the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community.

To request membership in Bettina Network Lifestyle Community, please fill out the form below:

I Wish to be considered for membership in:

Bettina Network Lifestyle Community


Name __________________________________ ______________________________
first name last name

Mailing Address




Email Address ________________________________________

The cost of membership: $50.00

I prefer to pay for consideration by:

Credit Card____ Cash___Check ___ Corporate Account_____

Name of Corporation_______________________________________

Person Responsible _______________________________________

For Credit Card Payment:

I hereby authorize
Bettina Network, inc.
to charge my account in the amount of $50.00 as follows:

Type of Card_____________ Account Number _____________________________

Expiration Date _____________________ CVV2#____________________________

Authorized Signature ______________________________________

Bettina Network, inc.
P. O. Box 380585
Cambridge, MA. 02238
617-497-9166 inside and outside the U. S.
1-800-347-9166 toll free inside the U. S. and Canada