Centers for Wisdom, Knowledge and Art
Bettina Network Lifestyle Community
Along the way we added Bettina Network Foundation, inc., Bettina Network Blog, Bettina Network Journal, and a couple more. Through those experiences we discovered there can be no separation between our commercial selves and our responsibility to work towards a much more giving, loving, gracious society.
We are always searching for knowledge, wisdom and a greater understanding of the world. We have combined it all in the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community.
To request membership in Bettina Network Lifestyle Community, please fill out the form below:
I Wish to be considered for membership in:
Bettina Network Lifestyle Community
Name __________________________________ ______________________________
first name last name
Mailing Address _______________________________________________
Email Address ________________________________________
The cost of membership: $50.00
I prefer to pay for consideration by:
Credit Card____ Cash___Check ___ Corporate Account_____
Name of Corporation_______________________________________
Person Responsible _______________________________________
For Credit Card Payment:
I hereby authorize
Bettina Network, inc.
to charge my account in the amount of $50.00 as follows:
Type of Card_____________ Account Number _____________________________
Expiration Date _____________________ CVV2#____________________________
Authorized Signature ______________________________________
Bettina Network, inc.
P. O. Box 380585
Cambridge, MA. 02238
617-497-9166 inside and outside the U. S.
1-800-347-9166 toll free inside the U. S. and Canada