
Book your visit to one of our Hedge Schools today by calling 800 - 347 - 9166 or emailing us at

When you travel the Bettina Network you will enjoy a wonderful stay in a private home. Host families share their breakfast, their knowledge of the local area, and offer a sincere interest in their guests' well-being. A Bettina Network home is not a destination, it is an experience. We cater to those wishing to enjoy the personal touches that a hotel cannot possibly provide. We offer privacy without anonymity.

Bettina's is also a trusted name in the antiques business community, managing both public and private estate sales. We conduct online sales and on-location sales for those who wish to liquidate their assets, property they inherited, or the contents of homes they are clearing out for family or others.

Join us! We believe it will be a life changing experience!

Hedge Schools

What are Bettina Network Hedge Schools? How do they work?

A Bettina Home is a part of the Bettina Network Educational Institute. We take homes into Bettina Network, inc. because they have something to contribute to our learning; they are full of many amenities not found elsewhere; the knowledge they contribute is sometimes in the mainstream, but most often personal history and experience you can't find or learn from the history books. As a Bettina Home they are also Bettina Network Hedge Schools.

A Bettina Home/Bettina Network Hedge School, is a place where you can stay while visiting a particular city, country, village either on other business or vacation or a historical review of the area and you want to add to the experience of the trip; or you can travel to a Bettina Network Hedge School just for the experience, knowledge and wisdom it adds to your life.

The family in residence offers their life-experience, a workshop, knowledge of art, architecture, prayer, spirituality, health, cooking, or whatever is their specialty. In Bettina Homes/Bettina Network Hedge Schools, those specialties change as the family lives and grows and experiences life from different perspectives.

Bettina Network Hedge Schools are patterned after the historical "Hedge Schools" of Ireland, which were one of the things Mary Daly was interested in establishing. With everything else she did for the betterment of women, men and children, she did not get around to establishing her closely held love for the idea of Hedge Schools. To Mary it was a way to teach feminism without the interference and regulation of current educational institutions. They are the same for Bettina Network, inc. although we are not limiting the Bettina Network Hedge Schools to feminism. We include all the world's knowledge, experience, religions, spirituality.


What has life taught you? Pass it on!

One way to pass along who you are and your life lessons to others is through Bettina Network Hedge Schools - be a part of bringing about this world wide teaching/learning community.

What is your legacy?

Here is your opportunity to put together the legacy you want to pass along and to be known for. Piano, organ, other instruments, vocalist - open your home to those traveling for other reasons who also would like to study with you for a couple days or maybe even a week before they go back to their other lives bringing an experience like none other.

Your Talents

Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, Photography, Cooking, Design, Gardening, Calligraphy, Religion, Spirituality, Political History Philosophy, Psychiatry - what have we not included that is your passion? Use your talents as a Bettina Network Hedge School Facilitator. Use your home to welcome guests who would like to know more about what you do; what you've learned; what you teach by staying with you for a few days to absorb your lifestyle, while they go about doing other things.

Each one, teach one

Your guests come to learn from you and to teach you. And you wind up with the extra income which will allow you to do things you weren't sure you could afford - or that you wanted to do, but your money and position got in the way of your being effective. Let the world come to your home and be a part of an extensive and widespread "behind the hedge" school. You and your guests become a part of Bettina Network's Lifestyle Community with the ability to access deep into the Bettina Network, inc. And to those traveling the world - why stay in an Inn, Hotel, Bed & Breakfast or other accommodation when you can stay in a Bettina Network Hedge School?

A Teaching/Learning Community

Join us as we grow the Bettina Network Hedge Schools.

What do you know?

Use your home to pass on to others what has been taught to you and look into becoming a Bettina Network Hedge School Facilitator.

What have you experienced in this life which are lessons you can share with others!

How do you know if you qualify to become a Bettina Network Hedge School Facilitator?

Try answering these questions:

  1. What do you know?
  2. What is your legacy - past, present, future?
  3. What have you experienced in life that you want to pass on? How do you pass on to others who you are and your life lessons?
  4. What has life taught you?

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is your passion and are you currently engaged in that passion either as a vocation, avocation or are you wondering how to get started?

2) What are your talents? Music - instrumental, vocal: Art - your best area, oils, watercolors, sculpture: Writing - novels, short stories, or are you just learning and want an ongoing ever changing community of people to share these writings and their thoughts and their writings? How about Sewing? Crochet? Knitting? Ot maybe Design? Cooking? Photography? Calligraphy? Gardening? Religion? Spirituality? Political? History? Philosophy? Psychiatry? Psychology? Something else we have forgotten to include?

3) Have something to include in a seminar? Would you like to combine the learning and teaching part with a friend who also wants to be a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools? In other words, we are open to your life experiences and the teaching/learning is not in a formal academic classroom setting, but in the old Irish model "behind the hedge." Grassroots - Informal learning and teaching. We do not require degrees for you to become a Bettina Network Hedge School Facilitator or to have a home which becomes a Bettina Network Hedge School. We do require life lessons, an ability to share with others what you are about, a desire to learn from others and to teach others what you have learned.

Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network's Hedge Schools? Call us at 800-347-9166 or email us at