Bettina Network Foundation, Inc.
At the end of a Bettina estate sale, everything left goes to the Bettina Network Foundation and we look for those who are in need and work with them to help them establish a better, more productive lifestyle. We prefer helping those who are recently homeless, because they have the greater need.
Giving Back
One young woman, in difficult circumstances, was given a dining room table and chairs. The Table and Chairs did not sell so we were able to give them to her. She called the person from Bettina's who gave her the gift and said "I would like to help on your next sale." And help she did. She didn't help in the actual sale, she helped during those evening hours, after the sale, when we pack and move what is left to clean out the house and leave it 'broom clean' for the next inhabitants.
We couldn't have finished our last sale without her help. What she did was to make it possible for someone else to receive a gift as she had and to make sure the gifts could continue to be given because we were fulfilling our obligations to those who were ultimately providing these gifts.
At the end of her work evening and she worked unbelievably hard she decided she wanted to join our small band permanently. She liked what we did the way we were with each other and felt she had a lot to contribute.
She also wholeheartedly joined the rest of us who do this work for the benefits of weight loss and the exercise it provides. We don't have to join a gym to work out we have our own calisthenics and weight loss machines to help us reduce fat and move it around the body from one place to another:) I won't give her name. You will see her around Bettina Network activities and hope you will reach out to embrace another human being who has decided it is time for all of us to look out for each other without agendas.