A Response to “Dogs = Emotional Slavery”
Thank you for your blog on dogs. I didn’t think anyone would have the guts to say what many of us are thinking and afraid to say because all around us are people who are so totally into their dogs it is pathetic, while the rest of the world just shakes its head in disbelief.
My pet peeve is the filth that dogs bring. We are afraid of rats and talk about the diseases they bring. It takes over 500 rats to make the kind of ‘shit’ that dogs make with one bowel movement and the smell is awful. Does the real difference in the way we think about these mammals comes from the fact that we control dogs, but can’t control rats? It is clearly not cleanliness or the spread of disease. Dogs are, hands down, able to spread disease much faster and more lethally than can rats.
I’ve also noticed how dogs walk all over the place and when they get home they walk into the house bringing whatever is on their feet and the first thing they do is to shake themselves to get rid of all the ‘stuff’ their hair has collected during their walk. Dogs themselves aren’t so filthy, they know what to do to keep themselves clean, it is their interaction with owners who either don’t know or don’t care about the negative reaction of their dogs with the rest of society. What comes off when they shake is amazing. Check it out and see if some of your diseases haven’t come from your home collecting all of this stuff.
I am so tired to taking other people’s dog shit out of my garden that I would like to outlaw dogs in my neighborhood.
What is most amazing to me is the fact that dog owners take their dogs for a ‘walk’ twice a day – at least. Actually, they are taking their dogs to the bathroom to pee and shit in another area – at least several blocks away from their own homes and gardens because they don’t want that mess, germs, bacteria and smell close to them.
I’ve seen dog owners take their dogs to other peoples gardens and hold the dogs to pee on the flowers and recent plantings that others have paid for and are taking care of to beautify their homes and neighborhoods. Why do the dog owners do this? So they don’t have to pick up the filthy shit. I’ve seen people walking their dogs with bags in their hands to pick up the dog excrement. Do they use the bags? Many don’t. It is mostly for show. If the dogs have a bowel movement in your garden, the owners can walk away from it and leave it there. The same thing with the small garden areas around trees, especially if there are plantings around the trees which cover the dogs shit so it isn’t found until they have moved away from what they have turned from a lovely garden into a dog toilet which does not flush.
It is time for this to stop.
I love dogs – but the dog owners are making life impossible. I read your blog when I had just come in from picking up dog shit off my lawn.
How do we get this to stop? It is time to stop romanticizing dogs and look at the reality of their lives amongst us. Particularly, their owners need to be trained and to understand this is not playtime or snuggle time, but reality time. The reality here is its not the dogs who are the problem, but their owners.
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