A Bettina Network Foundation, inc. UPDATE
We had a really fantastic weekend. So much so that we are all exhausted and using lineaments to ease the muscle pain.
We packed and moved two town houses and delivered the contents to people who needed what was given.
We were going to do this in one day, but thanks to the UHaul people (see below), we had to do all of this over two days, both Saturday and Sunday, making our work harder, but the rewards were still great.
We had a couple problems which we need to resolve as we move into the future and hope you can help us:
1) We need trucks and moving vans which will make these moves easier and less expensive. On Saturday, our first problem happened. We made reservations to pick up a UHaul Truck between 7:30 and 8:30am Saturday morning. When we arrived at the UHaul place – it was closed and would not be open anytime that day. It caused us untold problems and extra money. So even though we had made reservations to pick up a truck at a particular location, the fact that the location would be closed for the day was not communicated to us when we made and they accepted the reservation. Not a good way to do business. Since we do this on a budget, UHaul cost us for reasons we don’t understand and no apology has been forthcoming.
So after calling around, looking on the internet and trying to make reservations for a truck for an immediate pick-up on a day when lots of people were moving, we finally found a Budget truck. It was too small, but all that was available, so we had to make two trips when one should have been sufficient. So hours were spent – as was extra money – thanks to the UHaul Company.
2) We need volunteers who will help us clean the items given to us before we pack and take them to their new home. That would be a big bonus.
Since we have our own special way of cleaning – those who volunteer will find their hands wonderfully soft, moist and wrinkle free at the end of the day. We don’t use petroleum based products to do any cleaning. Nor do we use anything which is harmful to people or the environment.The products we do use are healthy, good for you, and good for what you are cleaning. To peek into our secrets you have to volunteer to help us with these moves.
Once past the above two problems we were back to normal. Which means the party started and we packed, moved, joked, sang, and generally had a good time together.
It was very rewarding at the end of the day to get together to debrief; talk about what the day was like; how we could improve what we do for the next pick up and delivery; and how we were going to put the word out even further to let people know who we are and how they can join the party. We met to hold this debriefing and conversation and planning session on the concrete in the parking lot of the local Whole Foods Store. Folks just walked around us and went about their business. We thought we should have a sign which read something like “Bettina Network Foundation, inc. Debriefing Meeting”, so those passing by could join us if they had something to say or have their curiosity relieved by reading the sign to give them an idea as to what we were doing – and there were the curious stares. We stopped in the Whole Foods parking lot because that is where we were going food shopping at the end of the meeting. Everyone who volunteered, signed up to join The Black Race so we were all thinking about being extra careful with the food we bought and put into our bodies, because it is one of the things we need to be concerned about as members of this Black Race.
We were all colors, ages and conditions. From age 4 through 84. Some of us could get around, lift heavy objects, move stuff and some of us only walked with a cane, but still made a substantial contribution to the effort. If you are handicapped, we still have jobs you can do. In this move you could sit by the front door and keep the inventory as items went into boxes and/or were carried out the door.
We give those who donate a 501 (c ) 3 letter for their contribution so it is important that we keep track of everything donated and what it is worth. One person inventoried everything and one person kept track of value. Where they weren’t sure, they looked it up on the internet or called a knowledgeable friend for input. We keep a wheel chair, a walker and other such things close by in case of need. Although we had to keep a couple of the able bodied people out of the wheel chair.
What was most rewarding was the feeling we were left with – that we reached out to other human beings, like ourselves, who needed a boost to live a little more graciously and we were glowing because we had just come back with the knowledge that our work was appreciated, both by those who gave and by those who received.
3) Going into the future, we need volunteers who will go before us, to the homes we have researched and selected as those we would minister to that day, and help the families get ready to receive these additions to their lives. The volunteers need to be – Designers who can help arrange things with the families input and guidance as to their lifestyles; people willing to help the families clean their homes and organize what they have; future planners who will work with the families on how to best use the items being delivered to them, how to take care of what they have and what they will receive; and those who will talk with the families going forward on what they can do to give back and help others over the next several weeks. We also need those who can bring back to us what else the families need so we can organize the next move incorporating those families once again, if the next house turns up something they can use.
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Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.
Send your event information to be included in Bettina Network’s Menu of Events to: bettina-network@comcast.net
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